Re: [新聞] MLB》世界大賽後未和洋基隊友說過話 索
這是來自Max Goodman的X (好像是運動畫刊的記者 負責cover NYY)
Juan Soto was asked today if him signing with the #Mets over the #Yankees
makes New York a Mets town now.
"It's been a Mets town for a long time. I think we just gotta bring it to thetop. Championships are gonna tell you if it's a Yankees or a Mets town at theend of the day."
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2>27 相當合理
Cole哥都能G7結束當天換帽子了 沒說過話算啥
[情報] Soto去大都會 15年/7.65億美金波拉斯的御用記者搶到頭香 Breaking: Juan Soto to the Mets. $765M. 15 years. --- BREAKING: Superstar outfielder Juan Soto and the New York Mets are in agreement爆
[情報] 洋基開價16年7.6億給Juan SotoYankees bid $760M for 16 years. Soto is a Met. 多一年 均薪總值都輸 不過這應該算小老闆雖敗遊龍吧 ---爆
[情報] 紐郵:梅子加碼開15y/730M給SotoDALLAS — The Yankees and Mets both remain heavily involved in the five-team J uan Soto Derby, with both clubs recently upping offers into the $710 million-$ 730 million range — MLB record territory — as it’s believed the sweepstakes could be within a day or two of an historic conclusion. Both New York teams showed how serious they are with recent changes to offers,爆
[情報] Juan Soto to Mets 15yr/765MBREAKING: Superstar outfielder Juan Soto and the New York Mets are in agreemen t on a 15-year, $765 million contract, sources tell ESPN. It is the largest de al in professional sports history. 破紀錄史上最大約爆
[情報] 紐約雙雄為了Soto加碼到710M-730MThe Yankees and Mets both remain heavily involved in the five-team Juan Soto Der by, with both clubs recently upping offers into the $710 million-$730 million ra nge — MLB record territory — as it’s believed the sweepstakes could be within a day or two of an historic conclusion.66
[情報] ESPN民調: Soto合約的預測ESPN去問業界人士,Soto合約的預測 How much will Soto get? When we projected potential Soto contracts in June, with the help of 28 MLB insi ders, the average response already approached $500 million -- and the prediction64
[情報] 藍鳥給Soto報價:760MToronto was around $760 million for Soto" -Jon Heyman just now on the Michael Kay show 藍鳥給Soto的報價大概是760M43
[情報] 高層們認為Soto只剩下兩支球隊會競爭Executives at this week's General Managers Meetings in San Antonio believe the race to land Juan Soto in free agency is already down to two teams. Rival executives expect the New York Mets and New York Yankees to engage in a bidding war for Soto.17
[情報] 今年大聯盟獲得合格報價球員名單The full list of the 13 players who received qualifying offers, per ESPN sources : Juan Soto, New York Yankees Corbin Burnes, Baltimore Alex Bregman, Houston14
[情報] 大都會、洋基、藍鳥與紅襪認真競標Soto來源: 節錄Juan Soto的部分 There really are only four teams that are seriously in play for Soto: The Mets, the Yankees, the Toronto Blue Jays and the Boston Red Sox. 現在四隊認真在競標Soto:大都會、洋基、藍鳥跟紅襪
[分享] 灼見運動數據 FB爆
[情報] 奶哥IG限動陳子豪消息爆
[分享] Soto家人跟洋基球場保全發生的事48
[分享] 金倒永:戶頭的錢越來越多37
[分享] 紅襪向Soto推銷:你會是紅襪的看板球星30
Re: [分享] Soto家人跟洋基球場保全發生的事33
[分享] 美國網友估算15年洋基包廂價值24M36
[分享] 曾豪駒成為桃猿隊唯一待超過20年的人30
[分享] 王正棠歷年成績27
[分享] 平良海馬簽訂合約 明年專任中繼11
Re: [新聞] 中職第7隊討論時程能提前 蔡其昌解釋原因22
[分享] 軟銀開出四年總額10億日圓合約給上澤直之21
[分享] 運動家球團對讀賣巨人菅野智之感興趣20
[分享] Soto問未來10年幾個冠軍 Cohen:2-4個34
[討論] 新庄:札幌蛋當二軍基地不好嗎?X
[問題] Josh Tomlin7
[分享] 【台灣棒球環境挑戰與突破】專訪 黃平洋4X
[情報] 愛爾達:曾豪駒擔任今日新北城市U18球評4
[問題] 討論一下一局先發