[情報] 洋基拒絕為了Tucker交易Luis Gil
As expected, Tucker is traded. The Yankees had discussions with the Astros.
But they weren’t going to include the dynamic Luis Gil, who won the ROY and
can’t be a free agent until 2029, in any deal.
一如預期的,Tucker被交易了,洋基曾與太空人進行過商討,但他們並不願意在任何交易談判中送出Luis Gil,這位新人王,而且要到2029年才會成為FA的球員
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[情報] 太空人對Luis Gil非常有興趣The Yankees are "seriously pursuing" a trade for Kyle Tucker, and the Astros are "very interested" in Luis Gil, per @Joelsherman1 Houston is also prioritizing corner infielders in the return, so Ben Rice could be a fit as well29
Re: [情報] Kyle Tucker交易流言整理 & BellingerJack Curry believes the Yankees will “try very hard” to trade for Kyle Tucker, and Curry thinks they should include Luis Gil in the trade if that’s what it t akes Meredith Marakovits adds that a Yankees executive told her they’re comfortable with it being a one-year rental16
Re: [情報] 小熊目前最被看好交易到Kyle TuckerBowden & Phillips on MLB Radio "Word is Suzuki has a full NTC and will not wave it to go to Houston & Cubs not trading Shaw, Phillies offered Castellanos & Bohm for Tucker, Astros said no, Gi l is the guy they want but Cash is reluctant to move him, maybe he offers Schmid15
[情報] Chad Green、Luis Gil 將開TJThe #Yankees now lose both Chad Green and Luis Gil to Tommy John surgery. Luis Gil開TJ是前兩天的消息,剛剛確定Chad Green也要開TJ 洋基折損了兩位投手戰力 --13
[分享] 今日 Luis Gil洋基新星Luis Gil 經歷前幾次爆爆王之後慢慢調回來了 今天面對金鶯 6IP, 5H, 1R, 1ER, 1BB, 7K 用球數95-5710
[分享] 今日 Luis Gil今日洋基先發 Luis Gil (W, 4-1) 6.0 IP 3 H 0 R 0 ER9
[分享] 今日Luis Gil紐約洋基右投手#81 Luis Gil今日在主場擔任先發投手迎戰西雅圖水手 5IP 2H 0R 0ER 8SO 2BB 0.00ERA 0.82WHIP 大聯盟生涯第二場先發的Gil 依舊延續上一場無失分表現 目前連續11局沒有失分 今日Gil丟了92球 其中59球為好球 送出8次三振 無奈Odor八局上半一個守備失誤引來後續的失分7
[情報] DJ LeMahieu 進入傷兵名單The #Yankees placed DJ LeMahieu on the IL. Luis Gil was promoted to replace LeMahieu on the roster. Gil could be the leng th guy if Taillon is really short today.3
Re: [分享] 今日Luis GilLuis Gil has pitched 15.2 scoreless innings, the 2nd-longest streak by a @Yankee s pitcher to start his @MLB career, behind Judd "Slow Joe" Doyle's 18 IP in 1906 . h/t: @EliasSports3
[分享] 今日 LUIS GIL今日洋基LUIS GIL表現: 局數:5 球數:99-51 安打:3 保送:7
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