[其他]沒SC的勇士是NBA最差的球隊 轉自reddit

看板G-S-WARRIORS標題[其他]沒SC的勇士是NBA最差的球隊 轉自reddit作者
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看了最近勇士的表現 可以說是不斷突破下限

被弱隊爆打 對強隊的抵抗力比坦隊還不如


攤開陣容 真的有那麼差嗎? 原因又是什麼? 其實很明顯

本來想寫一篇討論 剛好今天 reddit(r/nba)上有一篇分析文

幾乎把我想講的都講了 那乾脆借花獻佛 重點翻譯 大家參考參考


The 2021 Warriors are the worst team in the NBA when Steph
isn't on the court. And those numbers are still inflated,
because Steph is already carrying the majority of the Wiseman minutes,
and playing against the other team's best players.

2021勇士當curry不在場時是NBA最弱的球隊 這還已經是curry扛著智將

If we take Steph off this team, we may be looking at,
far and away, the worst team in basketball. Worse Than 2020?
The 2021 Warriors are 1-7 without Steph.
This is perhaps unsurprising--the 2020 Warriors went 14-46 without him.
What probably is surprising though, is that
this team might be even worse:

Warriors with Steph: 114 Off Rating (13th), +2.1 Net (10th)
2021 W/o Steph: 102.2 Off Rating (30th), -8.9 Net (30th)
2020 Warriors: 105.2 Off Rating (30th), -8.6 Net (30th)

如果拿掉curry我們可能正看著一支遠遠墊底球隊 比2020還差?
勇士有curry: 進攻效率114 (第13名) 淨效率 +2.1 (第10名)
2021 沒curry: 進攻效率102.2 (第30名) 淨效率 -8.9 (第30名)
2020 勇士: 進攻效率105.2 (第30名) 淨效率 -8.6 (第30名)

This is despite adding productive seasons from Wiggins and Draymond.
There's a clear reason for this. If we isolate to Warriors minutes
without Steph OR Wiseman, we see a bad, but improved team:

Warriors w/o Steph or Wiseman: 102.7 Off Rating (30th), -6.7 net (25th)

Still worst-in-the-NBA offense, but at least solid defensively,
with a net rating around OKC's number. This reveals something
about the 2021 Warriors that makes the Steph on/offs even more
absurd--Steph's own efficiency is getting killed by
playing with Wiseman.

其中的原因很清楚 如果把curry和Wiseman一起拿掉 我們會的到一個

進攻效率102.7 (第30名) 淨效率 -6.7 (第25名)

仍然是全聯盟最差的進攻 但至少防守好一點 淨效率大約是雷霆水準
這讓curry的正負值顯得更加鬼扯 因為他自己的效率值和智將同場時

The 16.4 offensive drop in Steph lineups when they add Wiseman,
is more than the distance between the offense of the Brooklyn Nets
and the Cleveland Cavaliers. And when Steph isn't around
to carry Wiseman, the Warriors get outscored by 14 net points
per 100, a worse number than the worst season of the "Process"
76ers (-10.2). Steph Curry is having the season he's having
(top 3 offensive EPM) despite having to play 2/3 of his minutes
every night with Duolingo Kwame Brown, like a speedboat
trying to drag a cruise ship anchor. James Wiseman is so bad
right now, that the Warriors are better just not having
either one on the court. Wiseman is arguably worse, right now,
than Steph is good.

Curry有沒有和Wiseman同時在場進攻效率差了16.4 這個差距比籃網和騎士
之間的差距還大 而當Curry不在場carry智將時 勇士每百回合要輸對手
14分 這比"相信過程"的76人還差(-10.2) 儘管每晚有2/3的時間必須和
雙語垮米布朗同場 Curry仍舊是那個Curry
Wiseman目前就是差勁到可以完全抵消Curry還有剩 乾脆兩個都不上還好一點

Now, other superstars in the west have had to carry their
team this year:

But none of them have their team fall to league-worst net
rating when they leave the court.
(Look at Jokic there, give that man the MVP). And none of
these guys had their own +/- suppressed by being forced to
carry James Wiseman. Minus Steph, the 2021 Warriors are
worse than the 2020 team, because at least the 2020 team
didn't have to give 25 MPG to the worst rotation
frontcourt player in the NBA.

西區也有其他超巨必須carry他們的球隊 但沒有一支他們不在場
時淨效率是會墊底的 (看看Jokic 給他MVP!) 也沒有人必須
沒curry的2021勇士比2020還差 因為至少不用給全NBA最差的

The Anti-Bogut
Wiseman is good enough at getting himself buckets so his
personal numbers never look catastrophic. A constant
refrain on the Warriors sub is: "Oh, he's scoring
10ppg on 50% shooting, not so bad" or "You know,
Jokic/AD/Garnett only scored 10 ppg as a rookie, etc."
Now those arguments ignore efficiency and era,
and relative to his peers, Wiseman's -5.6 BPM is in rookie
Adam Morrison territory. But I've been looking deeper into
his on/offs and I'm worried his box stats don't even
get close to the real problem. Wiseman might be the worst
team basketball player in the entire league. He is the
anti-Bogut. Never gets anyone else open. Never knows where
to be. Always slips the screen despite playing with the
greatest shooter ever. Calls for post-ups constantly.
Bungles the ensuing post-up. Always tries to "go into
his bag" despite the bag being a pocket. And again,
Wiseman's BPM is still really bad: -5.6, worst among
starting centers. But it doesn't tell the story of how he
makes everyone else worse. We've already seen how he makes
Steph human. What do you think happens when mortals try to
carry big Jim?

Wiseman自己能進球 所以他的個人傳統數據不會太悲慘 有些人會拿
這些數據和菜鳥Jokic/AD/Garnett比 卻忽略效率和時代不同
Wisemen -5.6 BPM 是 Adam Morrison的水準 在先發中鋒中墊底
他正好是Bogut的相反 沒辦法製造隊友空檔 永遠不知道該站在哪
擋拆時總是溜走 不停要位然後搞砸
我們已經看到他怎麼讓Curry變路人 那你認為其他凡人carry智將

Now keep in mind, at this slice the samples are getting
very small. But while they may not have predictive value,
they do have value in terms of: "holy shit, that's a bad
number." And placed alongside all the other bad numbers,
it's clear that the Wiseman is dragging down every
Warriors starter. As a long-time Minnesota Wiggins hater,
I spent a lot of this year disbelieving Wiggins career
rehabilitation. But once I separated Wiggins minutes from
Wiseman, his mediocre on/offs normalized. Wiggins got
annihilated in the games where he had to play with
Wiseman without Steph. In 641 minutes with Steph, Wiggins,
and no Wiseman, the Warriors have a 121 off Rating.
Wiseman has physical talent and seemingly is a great kid,
but he's probably 2 years away from being an average NBA
player. He is, right now, the worst starter in the league,
by a real margin.

要知道分析到這裡樣本數已經非常小了 但至少我們知道這數據很恐怖
很顯然Wiseman拖垮了每一個先發球員 當Steph Wiggins 同場而沒有
Wiseman的641分鐘 勇士的進攻效率是121 智將擁有身體天賦
看來也是個好孩子 但距離成為一個普通程度的NBA球員大概要
兩年 而現在 他是聯盟最差的先發球員

The 1978 Steve Kerr Warriors
IMO, Kerr is lucky he has the clout of 3 titles or he would
already be being scapegoated, Sacramento Joerger-style,
for the failures of the #2 pick.
Myers had a catastrophic off-season, and at some point,
the coach usually ends up on the chopping block first.
Like Joerger with Bagley, Kerr is in a playoff race
while being hounded to give starting minutes to one of
the worst players on his roster. To make things even worse
for him though, he's also starting Kelly Oubre
(Myers' other big offseason move), who fits into a high IQ
offense the way a brain-eating amoeba fits into a swim meet.
When Steph, Dray, and Wiggins get to play together without
Wiseman or Oubre, we're really cooking with gas:

我認為Kerr要不是之前帶出了三冠 現在已經成為代罪羔羊了
就像國王的Joerger 因為養不出榜眼被火
Bob Myers有個災難性的off-season 但通常教練是先送上斷頭台的
Kerr 被要求給最差的球員上場時間 更慘的是 他也讓無法融入
高球商進攻的 Oubre 先發 (Myers的另一傑作)
當Steph Dray 和Wiggins 同場而沒有 Wiseman和 Oubre 淨效率

That second lineup, scoring at a rate below 1978
league-average, two years before the 3pt line was introduced?
That's the Warriors starting lineup. You want to see proof
that Kerr is being put in a fucked up situation?
The Warriors starting lineup has a -13 net rating,
an offense scoring like a bottom-tier 70s basketball team,
and Kerr still can't bench anybody because the FO doesn't
want to look stupid. Do you think Kerr could bench Oubre
if he wanted? Lacob is paying $60M in luxury tax for the guy.
The FO is demanding he start Wiseman. The easy solution to
become a respectable basketball team overnight would be
to build lineups around Steph, Dray, Wiggs that don't
involve Wiseman or Oubre. But Kerr can't do that because
those were Myers two big offseason moves. Obviously small
sample size and everything, the team would still have
weaknesses. But forget the obvious mistake of not drafting
Lamelo. More and more I think the Warriors would've been
around 7th seed right now if they had just not signed
Oubre and drafted nobody.

表格裡面第二個lineup 得分比1978年的聯盟平均還差
那時還沒三分線 而這就是勇士先發陣容
勇士先發淨效率是-13 進攻像是70年代的弱隊 而kerr沒辦法讓人
降到替補 這一切就因為勇管不想讓人看起來像笨蛋(light years嘛)
你認為Kerr會讓Oubre打替補? Lacob為了他花60M奢侈稅
最簡單的解法就是 上Steph Dray Wiggins 然後避開智將和 Oubre
但 Kerr 不可能這麼做因為這是FO休賽季最大的move
我想如果當時沒交易Oubre 也沒選秀現在搞不好是第7種子


1. 其實勇士陣容不至於到現在還在搶play-in 甚至前6我都覺得不難
但現在的先發組合就注定是犧牲戰績陪公子練球 希望Kerr今天的
談話代表已經要開始 chase win了但為時已晚 頂多保住play-in

2. 交易截止前沒換走 Oubre 有點可惜 我現在最怕的是花大錢續約
他 日後發現沒有正效益還要貼籤送走


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elone04/06 23:54氣氛成這樣 Oubre 已經從開季活跳跳的小子 變成憂鬱小生了O

elone04/06 23:54wO 他應該不會想要留下來吧

ihx0004/07 00:57這大概是去年跟今年的差別吧,努力打打不贏,但看的到成長

ihx0004/07 00:58這季打不好就是打不好,就是各種卡,甚至不像去年大家成員

ihx0004/07 00:58之前的默契跟小組配合還蠻常出現

ihx0004/07 00:59其實評斷得很直白,WISEMAN看起來是個好孩子也願意學

ihx0004/07 00:59但要他變成一個普通先發至少也是兩年起跳,再讓他變成球隊

ihx0004/07 01:00支柱甚至核心,浪花綠應該不是老將而是已經退了

ihx0004/07 01:00我們願意這樣型態的等待嗎?蠻有意思的

karmel04/07 01:03除非像字母一樣自己長出來XD但可遇不可求

onetooneya04/07 01:15字母哥生涯第四年開始進明星賽

taiwanrules04/07 01:22字母第一年RPM -0.66 智將 -4.03 可能要養更久...

stark84111704/07 01:36Curry跟Wiggins真的是勇士現在還能保住前十的原因

stark84111704/07 01:36當他們兩人都現場時那畫面真的很恐怖

stark84111704/07 01:37這大概也是為啥Kerr基本上都會保留場上有他們倆其中

stark84111704/07 01:37一人

stark84111704/07 01:38一三節後段Curry帶雜魚 二四節前端Wiggins帶雜魚

gwaykuo04/07 01:46真心想問myers到底在做什麼

EQUP04/07 02:02感謝分享...勇管還是執意這樣搞的話,希望Curry離開吧

sbhweare04/07 02:16高層怎麼可以這麼白癡 明明前幾年的操作看起來都不錯啊

karmel04/07 02:43高層正常點,拿個老八吧QQ

karmel04/07 02:44雖然當務之急是保住第十

karmel04/07 02:44鵜鶘贏我們輸就出去了

CW404/07 04:14管理層對於用烏帥換東西是開放的 只是到期約沒什麼吸引力

CW404/07 04:15看看休季能不能S&T吧

CW404/07 04:22Tim Kawakami說Bogut講的Lonzo的案子不是真的 季初有些傳聞

CW404/07 04:22 但鵜鶘沒有再把他放到桌上過 大概的因素我前幾篇推文解釋

CW404/07 04:22過 他後來打出超過QO的表現 母隊實在沒必要改收一個UFA 另

CW404/07 04:22外Kawakami還說他聽到的情況是烏帥能進行的交易大多是季中

CW404/07 04:22降級

smik04/07 04:24老8跟老10都是要打資格賽,而且假設灰熊未來25場贏12場結

smik04/07 04:24算是36勝,那勇士至少要有6成勝率才能卡進老8

smik04/07 04:28然後鵜鶘出不出去到頭來全看勇士自己,5月份有3場鵜鶘

smik04/07 04:33我是寧可後面22場直接冰掉智將全都不要上,一下就解決球隊

smik04/07 04:33問題了你看是不是很簡單呢?

CW404/07 04:517-10能容納的失敗次數與主客場安排會有差 不過這季弄到這樣

CW404/07 04:51 我個人是沒有一個半月前那麼期待進季後賽就能累積什麼了

CW404/07 04:51這一批球員一年後不在勇士的全都是和平分手就謝天謝地了 慕

CW404/07 04:51名而來然後見到一些像家庭餐廳的管理方式

CW404/07 05:04Joe Lacob本來還會拿光年論開玩笑 我是覺得他以後還是連提

CW404/07 05:04都別提好 2011、12很神奇的幾乎把每件事都做對是奠定那5年

CW404/07 05:04Finals的基礎 後面“養出ㄧ個Looney、發展了幾個未選秀的球

CW404/07 05:04員、靠核心招募到KD、阿西、Zaza”那些加一加就是普通的表

CW404/07 05:04現而已

CW404/07 05:12另外一些CBA範疇的東西是花式操作的很厲害啦 只是整體就類

CW404/07 05:12似電影公司的高層不能只用商業考量去干涉電影怎麼拍吧

chaeyu9904/07 07:04還有兩個格子現在也沒動作

hank721804/07 07:22

hank721804/07 07:24我比較相信前幾年的主要操盤人,跟現在的不同

CW404/07 07:26mm 第14人按規定這兩天要簽起來

hank721804/07 07:26ttps://

hank721804/07 07:26

圖 沒SC的勇士是NBA最差的球隊 轉自reddit

hank721804/07 07:28

圖 沒SC的勇士是NBA最差的球隊 轉自reddit

hank721804/07 07:34不曉得會不會把Jessup帶回來

CW404/07 07:36數據分析的領頭Sammy Gelfand離開應該有一些影響 另外Jerr

CW404/07 07:36y West和Steve Nash都是他們負責的領域很好的顧問

JacobEvans04/07 07:51我難過

hank721804/07 08:00智將不是不好,而是他需要養成的時間軸還有跟原本體系

hank721804/07 08:00需要的中鋒類型不同

hank721804/07 08:06智將養個兩年都是基本的,到時咖哩都34、35了

chiery04/07 08:36慘..

chiery04/07 08:37最慘的真的是上層不想眼光被看笑話 硬擺上場賠戰績

chiery04/07 08:37老咖哩辛苦惹

scatman04/07 08:55 字母哥今天不會上場

chiery04/07 08:58我們的小字母今天不知道是不是還是先發

hank721804/07 08:59公鹿表示:讓一隻 輕鬆打

scatman04/07 09:27希望今天別像上一場一樣很多犯規了 在推特上看到費茲戴爾

scatman04/07 09:28在說Green打了36分鐘才一犯,結果板凳球員有3~4個上場16

scatman04/07 09:28分鐘就拿了3~4次犯規

karmel04/07 09:38老十資格賽會難很多吧

RBC5432104/07 09:42字母哥沒打讓很大了 要把握阿各位

hank721804/07 09:467.8打一場,9.10打兩場

Kidd050204/07 09:46鵜鶘輸了 我勇的機會

EQUP04/07 09:48反正犯規跟失誤肯定還會很多,字母哥沒打頂多從輸30變輸15吧

saintmin100204/07 09:48感謝老鷹

hiro122104/08 12:44就說叫Bogut回來教吧,Wiseman缺的都是Bogut有的

hiro122104/08 12:46幫Curry做Screen、籃板卡位、防守、高位策應智將全沒有

onetooneya04/08 12:47智將的高位策慢慢有點雛形了

hank721804/08 14:41看智將的訪問,他有說不該一直低位要球,想一對一單打

hank721804/08 14:41,應該多找隊友,以自己擅長的方式來幫助球隊,這方向

hank721804/08 14:41蠻正確的,希望能持續進步

Broyz04/08 17:54他現在真的看時機好好吃餅就好了,真的不要搞有的沒的

Broyz04/08 17:54...現在還不是他的球隊

CW404/08 18:29智將加油吧 發展時程比較長實在不是他的鍋 選前大部分球探

CW404/08 18:29報告都是這樣評估