[情報] Cohen:一直覺得自己是處於第二名

看板MLB標題[情報] Cohen:一直覺得自己是處於第二名作者
時間推噓38 推:40 噓:2 →:28

Mets owner Steve Cohen and his top baseball man, David Stearns, held a secret, last-minute lunch meeting with Juan Soto, Scott Boras and others in Soto’s inner circle Friday at Cohen’s home in Boca Raton, Fla. It was a very pleasant second get-together, one that solidified Cohen’s resolve to try to win the prize ofthe winter.


And yet, Cohen also came away from that high-powered confab convinced Soto was preparing to remain in pinstripes.


Cohen’s first thought, considering this meeting followed by a few weeks the one at Cohen’s Beverly Hills mansion: “We can’t keep meeting like this. I’m run
ning out of houses.”



Many times over the weekend, he told folks he felt sure they were running second, almost right up until the time they finished first.




He kept bidding, anyway. He was so convinced he was heading for bridesmaid territory that he joked to friends and confidants about whether there was prize money for second place.




“There was a lot of emotion and a lot of ups and down, not knowing where you stood,” Cohen said.


He may be accused of overpaying, and the deal is historic and remarkable. But the Blue Jays were also believed to be at $760 million, so it’s not like he blewaway the field.

The Mets were actually thought to be running second to the Jays at $720 millioninto the weekend, and when the Yankees bumped their bid from $702M to $712M, the gap wasn’t exactly significant.


梅子 720M
洋基 702M-721M

Cohen offered a $100M signing bonus at one point, but Soto’s camp was more interested in the $50M average annual value.



Cohen went to $750M late, then to the winning $765M



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Freighter12/10 10:57這樣想,完全落入當盤子的陷阱XD

dd1115dd111512/10 11:01有錢真好

Rentch12/10 11:04完全被Boras拿捏住了,不過他應該也不在乎被抬價就是了

NicoRobin2612/10 11:05其它隊:?

GenesisXD12/10 11:09FOMO仔

SULICon12/10 11:10有這種感覺不就是被經紀人玩了嗎XD

atmmaxing12/10 11:11有錢人的謙虛

taxlaw199112/10 11:11Boras:計畫通 噱起來

ccpz12/10 11:13難怪reddit有人說在邁哈密機場看到 Soto

b9920207112/10 11:16波拉斯今年徹底雪恥

iAsshole12/10 11:30所以直接加50M這種說法只有別人的錢不是錢的鄉民才會一

iAsshole12/10 11:30喊再喊...

DorkKnight12/10 11:30沒辦法,波拉斯今年手上捏的可是王牌

noahlin12/10 11:32也沒有真的多出很多啦 藍鳥都出到760了

noahlin12/10 11:32那個加40M會不會實現很難說

noahlin12/10 11:32通膨沒有失控的話機率可能不到一半

wsan12/10 11:37以上述內文為依據判斷 Soto 團隊希望 AAV 達到 50M 而 Cohen

wsan12/10 11:37選擇滿足它 並且一口氣提高到 51M 並給出無效跳脫 4M 利多

wsan12/10 11:37而最後追價的洋基則選擇用增加一年 並為了平衡稅限的 47.5M

wsan12/10 11:37為底線 最後 Soto 團隊在得知洋基方無意再加價到 AAV 50M 故

wsan12/10 11:37最後選擇 Mets 為得標方

c87111111612/10 11:44也不算被玩吧 後面沒加上去應該就洋基或藍鳥了吧

cor1os12/10 11:44通常自己踩死的線都會把自己踩死wwwww

ntubuta12/10 11:48Cohen:但我一直覺得自己還有錢

kotorichan12/10 12:22哈哈哈

prayer51312/10 12:25只是在演 讓Soto好下車而已

Ke1even12/10 12:32你還有錢 所以你是第二名

Anakin12/10 12:36就Boras絕招,讓球隊自己跟自己比價

tyrone092312/10 12:40多隊競爭經紀人本來就比較好操作,而且明顯大家都在加

RBC5432112/10 13:01洋基大概就是滿足Soto團隊 讓他的AAV超越大谷 成為均薪

RBC5432112/10 13:01最高野手 但50M真的沒辦法

yuenwwjd12/10 13:06第二名的優勢就是有錢

sezna12/10 13:12王電火就是加錢

cowcow0112/10 13:14你是第二名,第一名是即將加價的你

MindWork12/10 13:25有錢人的盤 是一種爽快 窮酸仔不懂很正常

bkm112/10 13:35我記得有一句話叫"窮人才計較CP值" 王爸爸完美展示這個真理

benboy12/10 13:36有錢人也是會被pua 的

bkm112/10 13:36大家在意會不會跨過稅線 他在意還要花多少才能超越去年

cplusplus42612/10 13:51看來他也很爭扎過 感覺被波拉斯操作成Soto很愛洋基

cplusplus42612/10 13:51來抬價

cplusplus42612/10 13:51一堆人被波拉斯手法唬住

kltnlious12/10 13:58我知道你還有錢.jpg

nadleeh12/10 14:00被拱上去,不過他也不缺錢

a215670012/10 14:35最後不忍了 技術性加到800

qwaqwa200712/10 14:35這就是被經紀人一直抬價

oralboralb12/10 14:48這麼沒紀律 想必在股市裡一定是韭菜吧!

a1284112/10 14:54我也想當他朋友

charlie0112/10 14:58蝦仁豬心

terminator312/10 15:43原來是假老二

Yjizz12/10 15:51Boras勝利 王電火搶到也勝利

god212/10 15:53另一個一直以為自己第二的進土城

lazuritechen12/10 15:59沒毛病啊 第二名是你 第一名也是你啊

Nakata091112/10 16:45Boras能當王牌經紀人真的不是只會靠唬爛

silentsand12/10 16:47波老師:我知道你還有錢

ChinaGy12/10 16:59原來如此 boras大勝利

ChinaGy12/10 16:59在這個賽局上的大贏家

Arsenalhenry12/10 17:06Boras大勝利

alex097312/10 17:25oralboralb大XD 寇漢是傳奇交易員耶 買SOTO不需要自律啦

dinos12/10 17:28超級球星+王牌經紀人與傳奇交易員的糾葛

skatekid12/10 17:45給均薪40m還是50m對他來說哪有差

devilsky12/10 20:01Boras就是拿著合約問來問去,理論上都會跟,只是剛好有

devilsky12/10 20:01你這個大佬參戰能給。

devilsky12/10 20:02Soto沒有特別偏好直接比錢,沒人贏得了王電火也屬正常

devilsky12/10 20:02

borriss12/10 20:29 五個打一個(X) 四個老闆跟一個經紀人 VS Cohan ?

kingwei52012/10 21:00比鈔票你永遠是老大

decorum12/10 21:39電火王花在梅子的錢 原來都是他該繳的所得稅 所以沒在怕

fan022612/11 00:25一直被追趕的大都會,從未被超越的出價

asdfzx12/11 01:13Boras好猛啊

KillLakers12/11 13:40洋基要是跟了 你就是第二名無誤 XDDDD