[情報] 雙城開了多張合約給Correa

看板MLB標題[情報] 雙城開了多張合約給Correa作者
時間推噓16 推:16 噓:0 →:3

During a recent appearance on the Talk North podcast, LaVelle E. Neal III of the Minneapolis Star-Tribune suggested the Twins have put forth contract offers ofvarying lengths to Correa. Neal indicates Minnesota’s proposals range from sixto ten years with differing average salaries in each. The shorter-term offers would surely feature higher annual payouts, with the comparatively lesser length reducing the team’s longer-term risk.



Financial terms of the proposals aren’t clear, but it’s notable Minnesota is ostensibly willing to make a long-term commitment to play at the top of the market. The Twins signed Joe Mauer to an eight-year, $184MM extension in March 2010 but have otherwise only reached or narrowly exceeded a nine-figure guarantee twice ($105.3MM for Correa and $100MM for Byron Buxton, both last offseason). A Correa deal of six-plus years would almost certainly set a new high-water mark for the organization, even if the contract contained one or more opt-out chances



2010 Joe Mauer 8yr/184.0M
2021 Carlos Correa 3yr/105.3M
2021 Byron Buxton 7yr/100.0M

While retaining Correa figures to be the Twins’ ideal course of action, Neal relays that Bogaerts would be Minnesota’s secondary target. Dan Hayes of the Athletic similarly suggested earlier this month the Twins were likely to pivot to the longtime Red Sox star if Correa were to land elsewhere.



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Shianer11/24 16:15推整理,城城鐵了心

※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 11/24/2022 16:20:07

siliver11/24 16:48各種套餐組合這樣嗎 XD

CImbX11/24 16:58城牆:......

bkm111/24 17:11雙城幹大事 衝一波!

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sonesnsdsosi11/24 18:13Corea 好爽 又可以丘了

Cueto11/24 18:33雙城:季初烙賽還是拉回來 真的太香了

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