[情報] 0610 上市櫃外資投信同買排行

看板Stock標題[情報] 0610 上市櫃外資投信同買排行作者
(who is the man)
時間推噓 2 推:2 噓:0 →:1

排行 股票名稱 成交 漲跌 投信買 外資買

1 2368金像電 92.9 +8.4 1656 20115
2 3042晶技 103 +0.5 1148 740
3 1560中砂 168.5 +4 1043 1149
4 3264欣銓 51.1 +0.6 500 418
5 9802鈺齊-KY 178 +5.5 386 695
6 1795美時 152 +6.5 368 1928
7 3624光頡 88.4 +2.6 326 333
8 3708上緯投控134 +5 254 1242
9 3324雙鴻 179.5 0 237 18
10 8069元太 219 +7 231 5190
11 2707晶華 181 +2 205 132
12 6285啟碁 66.9 0 167 358
13 2338光罩 93.9 +0.9 153 371
14 6257矽格 62.2 -0.1 150 625
15 6472保瑞 189 +9 140 144


以上 謝謝


"When you live in the right way or you just given everything
to whatever you're doing, things happend organically and it's
not supposed to make sense but it just happens"

LeBron shares his fondest memories of Kobe


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DAY1986 06/10 20:10變態鰻魚飯

slayptter 06/10 20:42992368

coolrock 06/10 20:55吃鰻魚飯配血癌藥,舒服