[吃草] DailyHoroscope 10/9
Some path you are following isn't working, at least so far. Yet even though you can recognize this fact, Taurus, you keep following along that same path. But where can that lead? To more of the same? Can you expect disappointments or troubles just around the bend? The question to ask yourself now is this: What do you feel you will encounter? What is your sixth sense telling you? If you tune in to your inner self, you will not only know what you should do, but also how to do it.
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[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/06/09去質疑處於強勢地位的人會讓人感到害怕,尤其若是他們對你有直接的影響。但如果你發 現某些事情並不正確,卻沒有提出,這不只是對你,可能也對其他人會有負面的影響。 你可能會意識到有些人在做的某些事是不正確的。牛牛,你覺得說出這些事可能會讓你涉 入某些風險,但其實唯一的風險是你會在事後感到後悔當初沒有去談論這件事,這個遺憾 並無法被彌補。6
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/08/02今天你可能有強烈的衝動想要抱怨,並且會想和所有願意傾聽的人傾訴,以便發洩最近遇 到的麻煩。甚至可能覺得自己目前的生活受到墨菲定律主宰著,所有可能出錯的事都並未 朝著你希望的方向走去。但與其將能量用來抱怨,不如去用它來創造一個更好的計劃。試 著看看你有多幸運才能走到這裡。從現在開始做出各種不同的選擇來為自己創造一個更光 明的未來吧。6
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/10/01可能有人會告訴你,你的某些期望太離譜且過於理想。事實上,你可能是從生活中的幾個 愛跟你唱反調的人那裡聽到這些說法。但仔細想想,阿牛,這些人有著巨大的決心嗎?還 是他們更傾向於抱持著自己是命運的受害者的心態呢?並不是說這真的很重要,如果你想 要什麼,即便是別人認為遙不可及的事物,那麼你為它付出努力就是明智的。接受低於你 期望的事物並不是你來到世上的原因,充滿信心地去爭取你想要的東西吧。5
[情報] 0430 DailyHoroscopeCynicism does not happen to a person in one fell swoop. It takes time. It may take several disappointments to become disillusioned and jaded. If you are fee ling that way now, it isn't because of one thing that happened, although it ma y seem that way. It may just be, though, that one thing has become the tipping point that made you feel more cynical, Capricorn. However, that also means th5
[情報] 12/27 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Dec 27 2020 You are coming to a turning point, Capricorn. No, not because the year is coming to an end. You are embarking on a fork in the road of your life, and you will soon be offered a beautiful path forward that is a bit different from what you have come to expect. This may involve a dream you have held5
[閒聊] 覺得自己不應該得到如題 不管是哪個方面 都覺得自己好像其實不應該得到這些 會擁有大概只是僥倖 或其實只是別人還沒發現我很爛X
Re: [問卦] 大家敢分享Bump最新影片嗎?我 : Bump是不是豁出去了,他背景這麼硬嗎? : 還是就像他講的,總有一天,今天的他就是明天的我們。 : 這次Bump是不是把很多人的心聲喊出來啊?如果是, : 那大家敢分享這集影片在自己的社群嗎?2
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/07/28你正在根據過去獲得的資訊來做一個當前的決定。既然你很明白該去期待什麼,阿牛,你大概覺得就這麼下決定應該很安全。但是,如果你所獲得到的資訊改變了呢?這會影響到你現在想做的嗎?在你決定掌握機會之前,你需要重新回到那個當下去檢視自己所知道的,並且找出有沒有其他事情是應該要知道的。新的資訊不一定會讓你停下來,不過它可能會需要你去重新調整你的做法。 Taurus horoscope for Wednesday Jul 28 You are basing a current decision on information that you have from the past. Since you are well-acquainted with what to expect, Taurus, you probably feel safe going ahead with this. But what if the information you have has changed? Could it have an impact on what you want to do now? Before you take that leap, you need to go back and review what you know, and find out if there is anything else you should know. New information may not stop you, but it might require you to adapt your approach. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope.1
[情報] 0606 DailyHoroscopeif someone in your life says unkind words to you or treats you unfairly or col dly, it stings. The natural reaction of many would be to behave unkindly or co ldly in return. It doesn't help though; in fact, it can make things far worse. You are a fair person, Capricorn, and you need to remind yourself that you ar e above that kind of reaction and that it can alter your path from positive to