[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/01/07

看板Taurus標題[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/01/07作者
時間推噓 2 推:2 噓:0 →:0

你現在可能會想得到一個指引,阿牛。或許你需要一些指導,並嘗試以可能適用於你正在處理的問題的方式來理解這些不同的經驗。但不要因此走上極端的道路。假使你向宇宙提問,它不需要你去複雜的解釋或猜測你所看到的徵兆是否是你所求的。你會知道的。所以放輕鬆吧! 你所提問的答案會在正確的時間點以明顯的方式出現的。

Daily Horoscope for Friday 01/07
You may be hoping for a sign now, Taurus. You may be in need of guidance and trying to interpret various experiences in ways that might apply to what you are dealing with. But don't go to extremes with this. If you put a question outinto the universe, it won't require complex interpretations or guesswork to figure out if something you see is the sign that you asked for. You will just know. So relax! At the right moment, your sign will appear, and it will be obvious.

Wishing you a happy New Years. May it be all that you hope it will be! All the best
Happy New Year!
guidance 指導;指引
interpret 詮釋;理解;翻譯
guesswork 猜測


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monsterwai01/07 04:34謝謝

gipo77601/07 08:24謝謝