[情報] Wander Franco將在明日對洋基爭霸戰復出

看板Baseball標題[情報] Wander Franco將在明日對洋基爭霸戰復出作者
時間推噓 9 推:9 噓:0 →:4

在週三3A比賽5支3,包含二壘安打與跑2分後,Franco已準備好回大聯盟。這位明星遊擊手將在週五晚上,在紐約對上洋基。光芒隊總裁Erik Neander在週四說的。

After going 3-for-5 with a double and two runs scored while playing nine innings at shortstop for Triple-A Durham on Wednesday night, Franco is ready to returnto the Majors. The star shortstop will meet the Rays in New York on Friday, president of baseball operations Erik Neander said on Thursday, and potentially be activated for Friday night's series opener at Yankee Stadium.

對洋基的關鍵三連戰,會是Wander Franco在大聯盟復出作。

starting with a big three-game series against the Yankees.


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DeepRed041209/09 09:30看來洋基要涼了

saiulbb09/09 09:30太棒了 希望能健康打到季末

a10020506909/09 09:31Fb丟了…

zouelephant09/09 09:33育成利空

kauw09/09 09:35內野手….張育成會被擠壓到嗎

huangjyuan09/09 09:37張內野全部能守 影響比較小

polanco09/09 09:39就卡工具人的位置吧

catsondbs09/09 09:42還有另一個內野新秀有option能下放 希望光芒繼續客家留

catsondbs09/09 09:42下沒option的小張

xrayxrayxray09/09 09:42富藍戈

lowl9909/09 09:50張還好,反而是崔志萬自己要小心,狀況真的很差

c812117509/09 10:18光芒富蘭戈

ykd09/09 10:25應該是Aranda下放