Re: [閒聊] 不同於老任NS!Steam Deck底座模式無強化

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※ 引述《ryoma1 (熱血小豪)》之銘言:
: 由於都具備手持遊戲功能,許多評論都會將Steam Deck與Switch進行比較。然而Switch透: 過基座外接大螢幕遊玩時,可視硬體規格與遊戲支援度,將畫質從720P、30FPS提升到: 1080P、60FPS,Coomer表示Steam Deck不論是手持或用基座輸出,畫質都是800P、30FPS: 。

原文的外媒就是 PCGamer 吧。

The Steam Deck will not boost performance while docked

" Case in point, we've recently learned from Valve that the Steam Deck will notperform differently when docked, unlike the Switch. Instead, Valve prioritises the system for how it expects it to be used most: on the go.

That's not to say you can't connect a 1080p or greater resolution monitor to
the Steam Deck's dock and have it output at the correct resolution. You
absolutely can. However, the performance of the device will stay the same
whether docked or mobile, meaning you will experience a performance hit when
gaming at higher resolutions in docked mode than in the hand. "

只是說不會像 Switch 一樣接上基座就解放功耗、用更高的效能跑遊戲而已,
如果你接 1080p 的螢幕當然可以跑 1080p。


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※ 編輯: DendiQ ( 臺灣), 08/11/2021 22:54:47

nisioisin08/11 23:30原本穩800p30fps這樣FHD不就可能不到30fps......比sw

nisioisin08/11 23:30itch還慘餒

有人試玩 Doom Eternal 800p 跑 60fps 啊,而且同幀數下畫質肯定是 Steam Deck 比較好吧

※ 編輯: DendiQ ( 臺灣), 08/11/2021 23:40:15

nisioisin08/12 01:4980p的差距還不如買oled switch有感吧?

DendiQ08/12 02:01看不懂你的意思...

worried08/12 03:27你好像漏了你貼的原文最後一句。你跑 1080p 的表現就不

worried08/12 03:27會像 800p 一樣好

DendiQ08/12 05:25痾,這不是理所當然?