[問卦] Duck and Cover 臥倒並掩護!?
There was a turtle by the name of Bert
and Bert the turtle was very alert;
when danger threatened him he never got hurt
he knew just what to do...
He'd duck! [gasp]
And cover!
Duck! [gasp]
And cover! (male) He did what we all must learn to do
(male) You (female) And you (male) And you (deeper male) And you!
[bang, gasp] Duck, and cover!
※ PTT 留言評論
[花邊] Shaq和老巴:狄龍不是故意讓GP2受傷的Shaquille O'Neal and Charles Barkley agree; Dillon Brooks didn't break the cod e: "It was an accident" "Yes and no," Shaq said when asked about whether Brooks' foul was a dirty play ."When a guy is in mid-air and you're bigger than him and you touch him, physi85
[情報] 梅和小Z談 The Greatest of All Time小梅在冠軍頒獎典禮關於 Novak 的發言 Sorry Novak, for your fans and Novak, we all know what he was going for today. And I just wanna say, what you have accomplished this year and through your career -- I never said this to anybody, but I will say it right now -- for me, you are the greatest tennis player in history.69
[外絮] 格林:詹姆斯居然還記得熱火的戰術Give a scouting report on how to guard him or how you want to make him beat you and if he is clicking on all singnals which usually is in the playoffs. You know you cam't you're not going to stop. So the key is to try to stop everyone around him trying to limit those people. Best you can and try to limit him as much as you know. 你需要為防守他制定詳盡的球探報告 你知道的 如果他打出季後賽中一如既往的表現,你根本無法防住他,所以我們的策略重點就是防住他身邊的人 盡可能的限制他身邊的人,當然也盡可能的限制他,你是無法防住他的所以你只能盡力的限制他。 he remembers every play. He remembers every guy's cut shot missed or make shot rebound box out you know perfect assignment good screen he's watching films. He's pointing things on film that most people don't see. So i know he was a smart guy and they thought they came through and had pretty good memory but you don't51
[外絮] 賈霸對AD的看法I have a favorite big man and he happens to play in LA and wear number 3, An thony Davis. I think he’s the most talented. Defensively in the paint, he’ s awesome. Offensively in the paint, he’s awesome, and then he can go out o n the perimeter and be a problem. He can hit the 3 consistently or the mid- and long-range jumper.So, I would have to go with him14
Re: [花邊] Jimmy Butler講當初會離開76人的原因幫分享一些段落的逐字稿 出處來源: : 在裡面有提到離開很主要的原因是因為在76人感覺什麼事情都沒有在做,在賽后檢討的時候 : 沒有人想要分享,甚至安靜到可以聽到遙控器把影片按暫停的聲音 JJ: When did you realize did you realize [you didn't know who to talk to]?5
[情報] 09/02 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Sep 02 2022 如果你最近做了你能力可及的事情, 但沒有依照你認為該有的方式成功或完成某事, 你可能會沈浸在以「如果」開頭的問題。 記得「如果」是一個危險的區域,
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