[問卦] 美國F-35 vs 中國J-20 vs 俄國Su-57?

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美國一家軍事媒體《Military Watch》發表了世界上目前在產的三大匿蹤戰機的性能對比。它們是美國的F-35,中國的J-20(殲-20),和俄羅斯的Su-57(蘇-57)。請教各位先進,你們覺得他說的有道理嗎?

Only Three Fifth Generation Fighters Are in Production Worldwide: How Do
Their Performances Compare?

J-20 - China

The only fifth generation fighter developed outside the United States and
fielded at squadron level strength, the success of the J-20 program is a
result of China’s emergence both as the world’s largest economy from 2014
(by IMF and CIA counts) and as the world’s leader in a fast growing number
of areas of research and development. The aircraft is increasingly widely
considered the most capable in the world in terms of its air to air
performance as its capabilities continue to be improved rapidly, most
recently with the development of the J-20A variant with improved stealth and
a supercruise capability - the latter provided by new WS-10C engines. The
fighter’s avionics are considered on par with its American rival the F-35,
although unlike the F-35 its airframe was designed primarily for air to air
combat rather than air to ground missions which is reflected in its twin
engine configuration, larger payload for air to air missiles, and far
superior flight performance as well as its larger sensor suite. U.S. Air
Force officials confirmed the J-20's first encounter with the F-35 in March
2022, which is the first ever between opposing fighters of the new
generation, and expressed a degree of admiration for the Chinese fighter and
its program. The J-20 is increasingly expected to form the backbone of China’s fleet of heavyweight fighters with the aircraft entering full scale
production in late 2021 and having already been entering service at a rapid
rate before then.


殲20各種改進型也是陸續被研發出來,殲20正越來越廣泛地被認為是世界上性能最強的空對空匿蹤戰機,具有超強的匿蹤性和超音速巡航能力 - 後者得益於中國新的自產渦扇10C發動機。



F-35 - United States

The F-35 is the lightest fighter of its generation to be developed, and has amuch smaller weapons payload than its competitors while using only a single
engine. The aircraft was designed as a lighter and cheaper counterpart to theF-22 which, due to a range of issues particularly centring around maintenanceneeds and operational costs, saw production terminated less than four years
after entering service. The F-35 is unable to supercruise and has a very low
speed, low manoeuvrability and low altitude ceiling. It nevertheless benefitsfrom advanced stealth and electronic warfare capabilities and, unlike the
F-22, has deep bomb bays allowing it to carry cruise missiles, heavy bombs
and even nuclear warheads. As implied by the name of the program to develop
the aircraft, the Joint Strike Fighter, the F-35 was designed primarily for
operations other than air superiority although it retains a defensive air to
air capability. The fighter was designed to be inexpensive and produced in
very large numbers, and among Western fighters is effectively unrivalled in
terms of cost effectiveness in production although its operational costs
remain far higher than initially budgeted which is an outstanding issue.
Unlike the J-20, the F-35 has yet to be certified for full scale production
due to ongoing performance issues, and is still considered several years awayfrom becoming fully operational.

F-35戰機是這美中俄三者匿蹤戰機中重量最輕的,武器載荷比其競爭對手小得多,裝備一台F-135發動機。專為空中作戰研發的F-22由於一系列問題 ,特別是圍繞維護需求和運營成本的問題,在投入使用後不到四年就停止了生產。

F-35 無法進行超音速巡航,飛行速度比較慢、機動性較弱,最大飛行高度較低。但即便如此,它仍受益於先進的匿蹤和電子戰能力,並且采用了美國最先進的航電系統。不像


Su-57 - Russia

Developed as a successor to the Soviet MiG 1.42 program which lost momentum
during the economic turmoil of the 1990s, the Su-57 was intended to form the
backbone of the Russian Air Force by the mid 2020s with ongoing economic
issues and limitations of the post-Soviet Russian industrial base preventing
this from materialising. While during the 1980s the Soviet Union was expectedto lead in the fifth generation of fighter aviation much as its fourth
generation fighters were generally seen as having an edge over rivals, the
state’s collapse left Russia with a far weaker economy and much smaller
scale of research and development to pursue this. The Su-57 is nevertheless apotentially promising fighter and outside China and the United States remainsunrivalled. Although less stealthy than its foreign counterparts, the fighter’s long range air to air missiles have strong advantages over foreign
competitors. Its sensor suite remains entirely unique built around an
infrared sensor and no less than six electronically scanned array radars
operating in different wavebands - while the F-35 and J-20 use just one each.The fighter’s manoeuvrability is unrivalled, although unlike the more
specialised F-35 and J-20 the Russian jet was designed to be equally capable
in both air to air and strike roles and deploys a very wide range of cruise
missiles and guided bombs. Where China and the Untied States are expected to
begin to field sixth generation fighters close to 2030, Russia is likely to
continue to rely on the Su-57 and enhance the aircraft with sixth generation
technologies as prospects for a viable sixth generation fighter entering
service on such a timescale remain slim.

這是蘇聯解體後俄羅斯研發的最先進的重型匿蹤戰鬥機,但由於持續存在的經濟問題和後蘇聯時代俄羅斯工業基礎的限制,戰機在設計的過程中面臨不少問題,如匿蹤技術不過關,電子雷達航電技術和中美有顯著差距等。但是盡管如此,蘇57仍是一款有前途的強大匿蹤戰鬥機,雖然和中國美國的匿蹤機沒法比,但是和其它國家的常規戰機相比具有領先優勢,該戰鬥機的遠程空對空導彈具有相對於國外競爭對手的強大優勢。得益於蘇聯時期的航發技術積累,蘇57戰鬥機的機動性也是無與倫比的。預計中國和美國將在2030年前後開始列裝第六代戰鬥機 ,而俄羅斯可能會繼續依賴蘇57,並並在其基礎上修修補補,至於俄羅斯能不能和中美同時搞出來真正意義上的六代機,還有待進一步觀察,但是情況不容樂觀。


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TllDA 06/12 22:19台灣F16V屌打全部

railman 06/12 22:20姦20發動機有這麼強喔?

Cliffx 06/12 22:20

dulinove 06/12 22:20通篇:元老院 給我錢

stlevi811101 06/12 22:21能發大財的戰機最屌 例如F16V

douge 06/12 22:21F35最大的問題還是後勤跟維護

douge 06/12 22:22然後這個洞比想像的大

Anderson0819 06/12 22:22反正講再多支那426還不是覺得賤20

Anderson0819 06/12 22:22最強

squall410339 06/12 22:23好啦好啦支那的最強好不好,強到完

squall410339 06/12 22:23全沒實績真的超強的

douge 06/12 22:23Su-57 現在開始實戰了 可以觀察俄國的

douge 06/12 22:23四架可以撐多久?

s1777001 06/12 22:24F-22都不用出來

Qaaaa 06/12 22:25美要回頭做F15改了

Qaaaa 06/12 22:2522美自己都難養了

potionx 06/12 22:26你可以看看數量 F35有幾台 其他有幾台= =

james0146 06/12 22:29尖20才是真正的隱形戰機好嗎

heavensun 06/12 22:30以前美國也常講 蘇聯SU 米格好強

wowjesus 06/12 22:30美軍整天裝弱

heavensun 06/12 22:30要錢 開發戰機吧

syuu 06/12 22:31元老院 給我錢…

※ 編輯: ilyj2012 ( 美國), 06/12/2022 22:41:25

kris4588 06/12 22:41產量根本沒法比 f-35月產量大概是Su-57

kris4588 06/12 22:42的十倍吧

kris4588 06/12 22:46總產量還不到20台 現在被制裁後生產速

kris4588 06/12 22:46度可能又慢了

aad784900 06/12 22:49你覺得 中國連晶片長那個樣子 不要被

aad784900 06/12 22:50洗腦洗成這樣好嗎

ilyj2012 06/12 22:52F-22的處理器晶片是1995年左右的POWERPC

ilyj2012 06/12 22:52603處理器

pal1231 06/12 22:54又不是大就強 有沒有實戰經驗才是重點吧

tjp6tt86 06/12 22:55看來南海中美已經交手過幾次了

gn1384181 06/12 22:57j20真的強,老美假想敵是j20(照片裡的F

gn1384181 06/12 22:5735模擬塗上了j20的塗裝模擬成j20),老

gn1384181 06/12 22:57美壓根看不起蘇57(蘇57只用f16模擬)

gn1384181 06/12 22:58

k258610 06/12 23:02F35還不能投入是三小,f35出貨量殲20更

k258610 06/12 23:02多吧,那f35不能,其他兩台也是玩具?

k258610 06/12 23:04F15改一直都有在做,超多衍生型號,只是

k258610 06/12 23:04投標一直不受青睞

animalspell 06/12 23:08個人覺得勝負還是經濟與後勤因素

animalspell 06/12 23:08強如F22碰到金錢問題也要受限

animalspell 06/12 23:09以這個標準來說F35是個挺成功的商品

tanchuchan 06/12 23:56跟元老院要錢的廣告

f22raptor 06/13 00:08F18E/F操作便宜而且專剋Su-57

victoryuy 06/13 00:24J20有大量裝備的話 台灣早就買F35了