[情報] Alcides Escobar to Nationals

看板MLB標題[情報] Alcides Escobar to Nationals作者
時間推噓 6 推:6 噓:0 →:2

#Nationals are indeed getting Alcides Escobar from the Royals. They're
sending cash. Escobar was in KC for part of their rebuild and won the 2015
World Series. Named ALCS MVP in '15. Ned Yost liked to refer to him as a
shark because he didn't appear to have bones/was very durable

國民隊用現金向皇家隊交易來內野手 Alcides Escobar

Escobar 今年球季以小聯盟合約回鍋皇家隊


打擊三圍 .274/.311/.452 OPS 0.762 五發全壘打 16分打點


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