[花邊] Kerr因歌手Drake害嘴綠跟咖哩遲到罰500鎂

看板NBA標題[花邊] Kerr因歌手Drake害嘴綠跟咖哩遲到罰500鎂作者
時間推噓51 推:52 噓:1 →:7

來源: NBC Sports

Kerr fined Drake for making Steph, Draymond late for flight
Kerr因為Drake害Steph Curry跟Draymond Green搭飛機遲到罰他錢

Steve Kerr doesn't bend his team rules, even for Warriors stars like Steph
Curry and Draymond Green.
Steve Kerr不會因人改變規矩,像球隊上的明星球員Steph Curry或Draymond Green,他也不會。

During a pregame media availability before a matchup with the Toronto Raptorson Sunday, Kerr recalled an amazing story about Draymond and Steph being latefor the Warriors' team plane because they were hanging out with Toronto
native and Raptors fan Drake.


"Eric Housen, our travel man, called Steph and he said 'Oh, my fault, I'm
with Drake and Draymond, we're at the arena still, sorry we're late,' " Kerr
told reporters. "We had a team rule at the time, that you could bring a
friend on the plane a couple times a year. Unbeknownst to me, Steph decided
to use one of his slots for Drake, so Drake got on the plane that night with
Draymond and Steph.
「我們球團的行程安排人Eric Housen打電話問Steph在哪裡,Steph說,『喔~對不起,我的錯,我跟Drake還有嘴綠在一起,我們還在球場,抱歉我們遲到了,」Kerr跟記者說到。「我們那時候有規定,球員一年可以有幾次讓朋友一起搭球隊飛機。在我不知道的情況

"And I fined all three of them for being late, and Drake paid his $500 fine,
you can ask him, true story."


"Drake gonna release a Steve Kerr diss track"
「Drake要出單曲譙Steve Kerr了。」

"It's always cool to see how these guys could be hated enemies on the court
but chill off it. From all the trash talk during the Finals, you'd think
Draymond would rather beat up Drake. Who knew they were buds?

"NBA and pro wrestling is the same thing. They’re all buddies off camera"

"How you gonna fine the biggest Warriors fan out there?"

"Then promptly blew the fine money on weed and beer"



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Kazmier 01/11 11:53文法好怪

CMPunk 01/11 11:54Drake跟curry很麻吉好像不是新聞

julian42 01/11 11:54反觀篮網

k870357 01/11 11:54Drake也被罰XD

Gabrieleuno 01/11 11:54Drake box one Curry

zxcjimyou 01/11 11:55難怪今天烙賽

GTR34 01/11 11:56500鎂 當機票也便宜耶

julian42 01/11 11:56原來在氣氛

※ 編輯: pneumo ( 臺灣), 01/11/2021 11:57:07

darren2586 01/11 11:58Drake一防二

roger262390001/11 11:58Drake被罰錢是三小XD

zebirlin 01/11 11:59原來對Curry要用美男妓 打錯~美男計

EZ78 01/11 12:01Drake:欸幹 我又不是勇士的

UncleDrew 01/11 12:06Drake:咦?感覺怪怪的但又說不上來

allen5743 01/11 12:07靠北一防二

dtonepd 01/11 12:07Drake計畫通

melzard 01/11 12:07500鎂這群人工作不到幾分鐘就有了

icou 01/11 12:09帶Drake上機應該整隊都很嗨吧

roy384921 01/11 12:10難怪打這鳥樣

Toy17 01/11 12:11500鎂對Drake應該是零錢 根本不痛不癢

class1st 01/11 12:11跟罰我們5塊差不多感覺吧...

youngpool 01/11 12:11機票錢 還好啦

guardian128 01/11 12:11Drake也罰XDDDDD

friends29 01/11 12:15Drake真的很搞

blake1003 01/11 12:17Drake:俗啦

app20165 01/11 12:17銀行一天生出的利息都比罰款多了

smik 01/11 12:18Drake在用場外戰術幫助暴龍,效果奇佳

z23061542 01/11 12:18Kerr:難怪你今天烙賽

saintmin100201/11 12:18Drake:??

CW4 01/11 12:19Drake:他們問我要罰款還是禁賽 我就付錢了 可是

CW4 01/11 12:19好像怪怪的

stone82513 01/11 12:19付出了這麼多暴龍還是吃鍋貼==

yun0215 01/11 12:21Drake 的場外戰術 今天差一點就成功惹

ksk0516 01/11 12:21又在假鬼假怪了

vltw5v 01/11 12:22Drake:好像哪裡怪怪的

kelvintube 01/11 12:24

bycarbird 01/11 12:27Drake也被罰XD

LBJ23 01/11 12:37500鎂他們大概3秒就可以賺到了

ya123yo 01/11 12:37Drake:賺到了

mose56789 01/11 13:05Drake:不對欸

karmel 01/11 13:13Drake 為啥被罰哈

t32908 01/11 13:16drake已經守住curry了

orange89074 01/11 13:16Drake不是暴龍粉嗎???

b08297 01/11 13:25暴龍粉才故意在賽前帶curry去玩啊

Destrall070801/11 13:27Drake:我自己有飛機,但是這樣方便多了

kullan 01/11 13:34Drake:!?

kkl522608 01/11 13:47500鎂一張機票,還可以在機上玩 值得啦

aegis80728 01/11 13:55Drake:500鎂可以坐飛機玩 俗

alex85830 01/11 14:04笑死XDD 不是勇士的一起罰

marchcharlie01/11 14:21Drake:揪豆 好像哪裡怪怪的

ru04d93 01/11 15:07Drake:沒有欠你欸 Kerrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

loaeeeac 01/11 16:01確定上去的是Drake?

colaer 01/11 16:23Drake:雖然500是小錢,但怎麼覺得怪怪的?

vincent1985 01/11 16:38[花邊]Drake違反球隊規定,遭禁賽一場+500鎂罰款

Jungbow 01/11 17:06CP3 : 難笑。

Tim1018 01/11 19:36仙人跳

seanmom 01/11 21:04確定是Drake嗎 還是生子後嗎

auron4041 01/11 22:14標題語法怪怪

Gsun 01/11 23:13到底前一晚Drake做了什麼讓Curry今天落賽

Gsun 01/11 23:13讓我們繼續看下去

Accumulator 01/12 03:43演給你們看的