[情報] 美國三校聯合招生講座

看板studyabroad標題[情報] 美國三校聯合招生講座作者
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。參與學校:University of Illinois at Chicago, University of the Pacific,
University of Massachusetts Amherst.


。時間:3/26/2021 (五)6:00-7:00 pm

。地點:台北市延平南路45號3樓 (捷運北門站或西門站步行5-10分鐘)


> University of Illinois at Chicago官網:
University of Illinois at Chicago
Located in the heart of one of the world’s great cities, the University of
Illinois at Chicago is a vital part of the educational, technological and
cultural fabric of the region. As Chicago’s only public research university
with more than 33,000 students, 16 colleges, a hospital and a health sciencessystem, UIC provides students access to excellence and opportunity.

> University of the Pacific官網:
University of the Pacific
University of the Pacific is a private university devoted to
experience-driven education that gives students pathways to the fastest
growing sectors

> University of Massachusetts Amherst:
1 + 1 MS | Electrical and Computer Engineering
A degree for engineers who want to play a central part in the creation and
implementation of new technologies, and use that knowledge in their work.


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