[問題] 何杰金氏淋巴瘤 期中正子攝影報告
可以幫我先看看病理報告嗎? 之後就要回診了,好緊張
PROCEDURE for FDG Before whole body survey, the patient was required to fast
for at least 4 hours. Blood sugar level was measured 88 mg/dl. Then, 9.32 mCiof 18F-FDG was injected intravenously. The patient was put into the scanner
in the ”arm-up” position, and the scan from vertex to mid thighs was
performed at 68 min. There was no immediately complication during the
procedure. The scan was adequate for interpretation.
The level and distribution of radioactivity for lymphoma response:
1. Nodal regions Head/neck: no more enlarged node (score 0) Axilla: (score 0)Thorax: no more enlarged node (score 0) Abdomen/pelvis: (score 0)
2. Extranodal/organ involvement: Lungs (SUV 4.1, score 2)
3. other pertinent findings: Upper right back muscles (score 1) Bilateral ribfractures (score 1) Impression: Hodgkin lymphoma initial stage IV with lung
involvement post 3 chemotherapy cycles, tiny focal uptake at LUL residual lungopacity, could be residual disease or post-treatment inflammation. Other
lesions all distinguished, overall good metabolic response. * Deauville score:2-3 (note that the timing is not at 2 cycles)
1. FDG-PET scan might result in a false negative
finding if tumor size below 0.6 cm or tumors not FDG-avid.
2. Score 0 = normal; Score 1 = benign lesion; Score 2 = equivocal lesion;
Score 3 = possible malignancy; Score 4 = high probability of malignancy
肺有一顆(敘述看不出原本化療前的狀況) 他判level2(一
“Score 2”
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[分享] 十大可靠與不可靠車款心得: toyota/lexus不意外洗榜。 油電車容易壞對頭又大不適用,不過別牌… 雖然有幾個異類,但日系比歐美系可靠的趨勢是成立的。 特斯拉不意外是後段班~18
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[硬體] Mac Studio Benchmark 跑分Mac Studio with 20-core M1 Ultra 的 benchmark 出現了 a single-core score of 1793 a multi-core score of 24055. 對比 highest-end Mac Pro with 28-core Intel Xeon W chip10
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Re: [問題] 乳房切片報告我是上篇原作者 因太心慌 誤以為上一篇超音波報告是切片報告 今天健保app切片病理報告出來了 再請前輩幫忙解答,非常謝謝! Breast, left, core needle biopsy, invasive ductal carcinoma. SUMMARY OF MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:1
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