Re: [問題] 可否幫忙看一下切片檢查報告

看板Anti-Cancer標題Re: [問題] 可否幫忙看一下切片檢查報告作者
時間推噓 6 推:6 噓:0 →:14


Pancreas, labeled as "P1"; endoscopic
ultrasound fine-needle biopsy (EUS
FNB): Necrosis (in favor of tumor
necrosis).2. Pancreas, labeled as "P2';
EUS FNB: Adenocarcinoma, poorly
differentiated, with focal necrosis.3.
Pancreas, labeled as
"P3"; US FNB:
Necrosis (in favor of tumor
necrosis).GROSS FINDING: The
specimens submitted in the formalin-
fixed state consist of three parts: 1) a
tissue clump measuring 0.9 x 0.9 x 0.1
cm in aggregate and labeled "P1"
(cassette 1)2) a tissue clump measuring
0.9 x 0.9 x 0.1 cm in aggregate and
labeled "P2' (cassette 2)3) a tissue
clump measuring 0.4 x 0.3 x 0.1 cm in aggregate and labeled "P3" (cassette
3) Submitted in toto and labeled as
Section 2 reveals a proliferation of
atypical epithelial cells with a high
nucleocytoplasmic ratio, and the
neoplastic cells have polygonal
hyperchromatic nuclei. Part of the
tumor shows coagulative necrosis,
fibrin deposition, and neutrophilic
infiltration.- Sections 1 and 3 display
necrotic cells mixed with debris, fibrin,
and leukocytes.


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Mithra07/28 17:37第二個檢體是癌症 adenocarcinoma

lavender91107/28 18:11Adenocarcinoma叫腺癌 是胰臟採出來的 又叫胰腺癌

lavender91107/28 18:11 胰臟癌

dick200807/28 18:15看起來還是分化很差的癌症…

dick200807/28 18:17他這個是採三個檢體,但只有第二個是癌症嗎?其他的是

dick200807/28 18:17什麼意思?謝謝

peterch07/28 18:38既然病理報告已出 就直接提早回診去看醫師怎麼說

dick200807/28 18:59好,已安排下週二回診,謝謝

triangle07/28 19:12採三次檢體,第二次有確診癌症,第一次跟第三次拿到壞

triangle07/28 19:12死的部位,有時候腫瘤比較大的時候,採檢到比較中間的

triangle07/28 19:12部位會壞死

dick200807/28 19:49謝謝幫忙解釋,採三次的意義。不過原本期待是內分泌神經

dick200807/28 19:49瘤,看來比較傾向癌症了

nellyhuang07/29 11:09根據報告結果顯示是第二個檢體分化差的胰臟腺癌 剩下

nellyhuang07/29 11:09三個應該也是腫瘤 只是可能因為太大所以採樣的細胞大

nellyhuang07/29 11:09部分都是壞死的腫瘤細胞

nellyhuang07/29 11:09無論如何 胰臟腺癌的診斷是確定的

bi12307/29 15:04這怎麼辦

dick200807/29 17:30好,謝謝各位專業人士的解釋。只能期待接下來的治療成

dick200807/29 17:30效了,謝謝