[情報] Amazon Music Unlimited 免費升級到 HD

看板Audiophile標題[情報] Amazon Music Unlimited 免費升級到 HD作者
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2021.05.18 13:14 更新

Subscribers to Amazon Music Unlimited can now upgrade to Amazon Music HD at

no extra cost in the US, UK, Germany, Canada, France, Italy, and Spain.


Subscribers to Amazon Music Unlimited can now upgrade to the highest quality

streaming audio available, for free

Amazon Music HD gives listeners unlimited access to more than 70 million

songs in High Definition (HD) audio, more than 7 million songs in Ultra HD,

the highest-quality streaming audio available, and a rapidly-growing catalog

of 3D Audio, including songs mixed in Dolby Atmos and Sony 360RA

Amazon 也跟進! 看起來 Spotify 不跟是不行了!!


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notj405/18 10:37

dorbeetle05/18 12:13果然就是要這樣競爭才會成長阿 spotify講那麼久了…

l9805/18 12:20藏招藏太久了,結果被超車了。不過外國友人挖到 Spotify 介面

l9805/18 12:21有 HI-FI 字眼及相關介紹。 可能也快公布上線了吧

payaya05/18 13:39又多了新選擇

Had96540805/18 13:41來吧 Spotify無損

※ 編輯: l98 ( 羅馬尼亞), 05/18/2021 13:45:17

jeeyi34505/18 14:18來 圍堵mqa

Chienhua05/18 16:22已是HD的用戶,下個記帳週期免收額外費用

penguinfuko05/19 19:10不過 amazon hd jp 好像還沒有動靜