[歌詞] 230908 V《Layover》1. Rainy Days
1. Rainy Days
Rainy days
I'm thinking 'bout you
What to say
Wish I knew how to
Find the way
Right back to you
On rainy days like
Rainy days
I'm thinking 'bout you
What to say
Wish I knew how to
Find the way
Right back to you
On rainy days like
Staring at my phone
Hoping for your call lately
I've been on my own maybe
Time with you was so amazing
Haven't changed it's still the same me
Can we go back to that moment again yeah
Rainy days
I'm thinking 'bout you
What to say
Wish I knew how to
Find the way
Right back to you
On rainy days like
Rainy days
I'm thinking 'bout you
What to say
Wish I knew how to
Find the way
Right back to you
On rainy days like
Remember how I used to make you laugh the most
Let me make up for all the time we lost
We can start again, open all the doors
Don't tell me it’s over
We can start it over
你是我的幸運草 clover
Yeah, I can feel your touch
I remember your kiss
And I miss you
Rainy days
I'm thinking 'bout you
What to say
Wish I knew how to
Find the way
Right back to you
On rainy days like
Rainy days
I'm thinking 'bout you
What to say
Wish I knew how to
Find the way
Right back to you
On rainy days like
cr.https://youtu.be/yTsINmrAK4I HYBE LABELS
[閒聊] 歌手都會有的雨季退休金歌手都會有的雨季退休金 金國鎮:聽說現在有可以和張凡俊《櫻花結局》的櫻花退休金抗衡的「雨季退休金」歌曲 Paul Kim:我有一首叫做《Rain》的歌曲,只要下雨的時候,大家都會找出來聽。網友都 會說,「下雨了,那我要來聽Paul Kim的《Rain》。」17
[問卦] 有沒有綠樂團的八卦?綠樂團(the brilliant green) 是成立於1995年的日本搖滾樂團,歌迷簡稱TBG 是由主唱川瀨智子、團長兼貝斯手奧田俊作和吉他手松井亮組成的3人樂隊 由於個人原因,吉他手松井亮已於2010年5月10日離團 川瀨智子與奧田俊作仍繼續活躍,轉變成為二人組樂團12
[影音] 220325 KBS 柳熙烈的寫生簿220325 KBS 柳熙烈的寫生簿 本集來賓:李碩薰 / 圭賢 / HIGHLIGHT / THAMA 李碩薰 - Beginning of Love 直拍7
[問卦] It's automatic 抱きしめられると 君と七回目のベルで受話器を取った君 電話響到第七聲 你接起了電話 名前を言わなくても声ですぐ分かってくれる 你不說姓名 我聽聲音 也馬上知道是你 唇から自然とこぼれ落ちるメロディー6
[影音] 洧彬 - On Rainy Days (cover) ft.MIMI洧彬 - On Rainy Days (cover) ft. MIMI cr. OH MY GIRL --6
[影音] V 'Rainy Days' Official M/V(音源+)V 'Rainy Days' Official Music Video cr. HYBE LABELS 音源3
[影音] 211122-1203 MBC IT's LIVE211122-1203 MBC IT's LIVE TO1 - No More X (Band LIVE Concert Ver.) Ailee - Growl (原唱:EXO) (Band LIVE Concert Ver.)3
[情報] 230910 SBS 人氣歌謠 節目單230910 SBS 人氣歌謠 節目單 EP.1199 ▌播放時間 14:20 (台灣時間) ▌節目MC 然竣 (TOMORROW X TOGETHER), 朴持厚, 雲鶴 (BOYNEXTDOOR) 特別MC: Yoon (STAYC), 明宰鉉 (BOYNEXTDOOR) ▌出演者1
Re: [問卦] 下雨最頂的是哪一首歌?當然木匠兄妹這首最合適 自言自語感覺自己白活了 真的想要戒掉壞習慣 世上怎麼沒有合適我的地方 在網頁上隨處亂逛1
[情報] 石頭 FB IG 更新Rainy days and Mondays… …always get me down 原文網址