Yoshinobu Yamamoto is expected to attend tonight’s Rams game in LA with Shohei Ohtani, per @ByJackHarris
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※ 編輯: bj451123 ( 臺灣), 12/22/2023 08:28:37
大谷陣營邀請所以在貴賓名單上 但是山本沒去
首PoThe @SFGiants and @Padres will be playing a two-game series at Alfredo Harp Hel ú Stadium in Mexico City this weekend (April 29-30). The ballpark opened in 201 9 and seats 20,576. It’s 7,320 feet above sea level (Coors Field is 5,200 h/t @ jonschaeffer)20
首PoDeNA退団でバウアー争奪戦が本格化 巨人は単年15億円とソフトバンクは総額30億円用意 weekly-jitsuwa.jp/archives/117956 DeNAベイスターズ所属の「ユーチューバー」トレバー・バウアー投手(32)をめぐり、争 奪戦が本格化している。1X
首Po看錯幫刪= = --1X
首Po幫刪 時間: Sun Jul 21 00:01:02 2024 原文不適合棒球版 幫刪24
首PoDAZN, the world's leading sports entertainment platform, and the World Basebal l Softball Confederation (WBSC), the international governing body for Baseball, So
[情報] 道奇預計本週稍晚與山本由伸會面Sources: After landing Shohei Ohtani, the Dodgers are aggressively pursuing free -agent RHP Yoshinobu Yamamoto. The flexibility Ohtani’s contract provides allow s Los Angeles to make room for additional marquee FAs. Yamamoto and the Dodgers are expected to meet later this week.爆
[分享] 山本由伸自己要求和洋基會面The Yankees meeting with Yoshinobu Yamamoto today was requested by Yamamoto hi mself, per @JonHeyman 今天山本和洋基會面 是他本人自己要求的89
[情報] Jon Heyman:道奇仍對山本由伸有興趣Yes, the Dodgers are still interested in and can still afford Yoshinobu Yamamoto . Uncertain though, how the Ohtani signing may affect their chances, pro or con. The three perceived favorites: 1. Mets 2. Yankees 3. Dodgers 如題71
[情報] 山本由伸似乎被道奇打動了UPDATE: Yoshinobu Yamamoto was extremely impressed by the Dodgers' presentation, including the 'support staff' in attendance at the meeting (incl. Freeman, Betts, Ohtani, Smith). A 10+ year contract term has supposedly been offered. Now we wait...26
[情報] 洋基隊明天將與山本由伸見面Yankees contingent is flying tomorrow to LA to meet with coveted free agent RHP Yoshinobu Yamamoto, 25 . Every big market team is interested. Cost could hit $30 0M. It’s a long list but Mets and Dodgers are also seen as big players here. 洋基明天會飛到洛杉磯跟山本由伸見面21
[情報] 梅子認為自己不太可能簽到大谷The New York Mets have their eyes on Japanese ace Yoshinobu Yamamoto, believing they have no realistic chance to land Ohtani 大都會目前是把目光放在山本由伸身上 他們認為自己並沒有機會能簽下大谷7
[情報] 山本由伸的競標明天開跑Big news today in the baseball world. @MLB teams have been notified that Yoshinobu Yamamoto's posting window begins at 8 am ET tomorrow (Nov. 21) and expires at 5 pm ET on Jan. 4, 2024. Can't wait. Let's go. @MLBNetwork7
[情報] 大都會與山本由伸會面Mets owner Steve Cohen flew to Japan last week to meet with Yoshinobu Yamamoto, league sources said Wednesday. Yamamoto, the 25-year-old star pitcher from Japan, is a major target of the Mets, among others. Yamamoto is expected to come to the United States this weekend, The Athletic3
[情報] 山本由伸爭奪戰美國時間週二正式開跑Source: Pitcher Yoshinobu Yamamoto expected to be posted Monday. That means the 45-day negotiating window for MLB teams will start Tuesday 山本由伸預計在美國時間星期一正式入札 週二開始將有45天的談判窗口2
Re: [討論] 山本與大谷看球賽Contrary to previous reports, Yoshinobu Yamamoto will NOT be attending the Rams ’ game tonight, per source. Shohei Ohtani might be there, but Yamamoto won’t b e. Yamamoto is not planning to go with Ohtani to the Rams game tonight. That’s a r
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