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※ 編輯: sppray ( 臺灣), 04/28/2024 10:25:18
※ 編輯: sppray ( 臺灣), 04/28/2024 10:28:17
[情報] Andrew Benintendi to YankeesThe New York Yankees are finalizing a deal to acquire outfielder Andrew Benint endi from Kansas City, sources tell ESPN. Three minor leaguers will be headedb ack to the Royals. 洋基換來Benintendi,送三位小聯盟球員給皇家51
[情報] Andrew Benintendi 被交易到洋基隊Jeff Passan The New York Yankees are finalizing a deal to acquire outfielder Andrew Benintendi from Kansas City, sources tell ESPN. Three minor leaguers will be headed back to the Royals.25
[情報] Andrew Benintendi與紅襪達成兩年1000萬約來源: Andrew Benintendi, Red Sox agree to 2-year deal, avoiding arbitration 紅襪隊25歲主力外野手 Andrew Benintendi 已經在今天與球團達成兩年1000萬美金的合約 避免走入薪資仲裁25
[情報] Andrew Benintendi to RoyalsBenintendi dealt to Royals, pending approvals, medicals 紅襪把Benintendi交易到皇家 Sources: Mets, Red Sox and Royals in serious talks about a three-team trade. A ndrew Benintendi to KC.22
[情報] Andrew Benintendi要打疫苗了All-Star outfielder Andrew Benintendi plans to get vaccinated after being traded to the #Yankees. He recently informed #Royals officials of his decision, which was conveyed to sever al teams before the trade.15
[情報] Andrew Benintendi 右手鉤狀骨骨折 將開刀來源: New York Yankees' Andrew Benintendi has broken wrist bone, status uncertain 洋基隊外野手 Andrew Benintendi 昨天已經因為右手腕發炎進入傷兵名單 後續又被檢查出來右手鉤狀骨出現骨折的傷勢6
[情報] Andrew Benintendi 與白襪簽約Jeff Passan Andrew Benintendi's deal with the Chicago White Sox is for five years and $75 million, sources tell ESPN. 昔日百大第一的 Benny,與白襪簽下5年 $75M1
Re: [討論] 吉田正尚Andrew Benintendi 生涯三圍.251/.351/.431 OPS+109 今年.304/.373/.399 5HR OPS+120 有長打的Andrew Benintendi應該不錯? --