[情報] 參與競標人士:預期Soto收到報價會破六億

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時間推噓17 推:17 噓:0 →:13

Executives involved in the bidding, which is in its relatively early stages, say they expect some offers to eventually reach or exceed $600 million, which would easily be a record for present-day value. (Shohei Ohtani’s heavily deferred $700 million Dodgers deal’s worth is pegged at between $430 million to $470 million.)



The Red Sox are increasingly seen as a legitimate contender in the sweepstakes for the generational slugger as word is they are stepping up efforts to lure thesuperstar hitter away from their historic AL East nemesis.

Sources say the Red Sox are attempting to sell Soto on his fit in Boston — a fit both at Fenway Park and within the history of the franchise.


Perhaps the Red Sox and controlling owner John Henry have decided to awaken at a busy moment.



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g0t2456811/27 11:26大谷cp值太高了吧

rb73102411/27 11:29這樣看來,大谷真的便宜

nybbnan11/27 11:30紅襪不讓了

sodabing11/27 11:31花落道奇

peterw11/27 11:31大谷只想拿冠軍啊,錢夠用就好

nnbak8555111/27 11:32看看大谷那代言一卡車 延遲付款根本沒差

polanco11/27 11:3215年600M左右?

hank1324111/27 11:34真正的運鈔車

huangjyuan11/27 11:38問題是Soto守備很爛餒

huangjyuan11/27 11:38太貴了

elainakuo11/27 11:41大谷有日本市場 接不完的代言 根本沒差

ohya11132611/27 11:41soto遲早轉一壘吧

rayterzll11/27 11:42Soto個人獎項也很少 就很穩定坐老2老三位置的人,但卻

rayterzll11/27 11:42拿到史詩級合約

KasugaMirai11/27 11:45拿那麼貴的合約只是壓縮替補的陣容,三思啊索托

KasugaMirai11/27 11:46除非有延遲付款,或不在意冠軍

kotorichan11/27 11:52想看701M不延遲 創紀錄

x12398778911/27 11:53我梅別輸了 這種大魚能進市場不是每年都有的

polanco11/27 11:56棒子在整個聯盟就輸法官跟大谷 小4歲 反而不解為什麼有

polanco11/27 11:56人認為他不值得史詩合約

rayterzll11/27 11:56大都會最好簽大票一點,壓縮補強,道奇這樣也是利多

rayterzll11/27 11:56少一個競爭對手

face11/27 11:5726歲絕對值得,簽15年平均也還好

s2022s11/27 11:57鐵定的

polanco11/27 11:58 進FA前三人成績

圖 參與競標人士:預期Soto收到報價會破六億

takosom11/27 12:04這樣看起來大谷有夠便宜

AirLee11/27 12:10勞工之恥頒給翔平

chun4711/27 12:43Soto不會季後軟手 值得

fanny082511/27 12:59太誇張

andy81810211/27 13:19覺得貴可以買WangSoto