[情報] 光芒可能會交易來Marcus Stroman

看板Baseball標題[情報] 光芒可能會交易來Marcus Stroman作者
時間推噓16 推:16 噓:0 →:5

#Rays "doing homework" on #Cubs righty with trade deadline around the corner:

光芒接近在交易大限以前交易來Marcus Stroman

Despite Stroman’s contributions, the Cubs aren’t having a great season overall. They are 45-50, putting them 7.5 games back of the Brewers in the National League Central with the Reds in between, and seven games back in the Wild Card race as well. Perhaps a hot streak in the next week or so could change the calculus, but it seems fair to expect the club to consider selling off some players who aren’t part of their long-term plans.

小熊現在戰績45-51,落後國中龍頭釀酒人8.5場(至台灣時間7/21),如果之後有一波連勝搞不好不會賣,但因為Marcus Stroman不在小熊的長期規劃內,把他賣掉是可預期的事

Stroman has one more year left on his contract, set to make $21MM next year, but has the ability to opt out and return to free agency after the current campaign. Given his strong results, it will be a fairly easy decision for him to trigger that opt-out and secure a larger guarantee on another multi-year deal. He has been quite candid about his desire to stick with the Cubs via a long-term extension, but the club reportedly doesn’t share his same enthusiasm to work out a new deal.


Marcus Stroman今年成績:
118.2 IP, 2.88 ERA, 101 K, 3.3 WAR


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xrayxrayxray07/21 13:59真的不補打擊?

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avcds111107/21 15:00倫敦之後每場都超慘 感覺是小熊想把他賣掉所以亂投

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granturismo07/21 15:48前一場對紅襪才六局失一分 慘在哪?

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