[情報] 道奇隊聲明 op
Statement from the Dodgers:
“The Dodgers are aware of media reports and are gathering information. The team can confirm that interpreter Ippei Mizuhara has been terminated. The team has no further comment at this time.”
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道奇嚇到了 大谷今晚應該會直接回美國了
這件事有大谷帳戶直接涉入 大谷怎麼樣都有法律問題要解
動到全MLB最不能動的人 應該是MLB高層都嚇爛了
娶某前 生子後,只好靠小大谷了(誤
[情報] 水原一平被起訴根據《洛杉磯時報》報道,洛杉磯道奇隊解雇了大谷翔平的長期翻譯水原一平。大谷翔平的律師指控一平大規模竊大谷的資金用於非法博彩公司下注。 原文: The Los Angeles Dodgers have fired Shohei Ohtani’s Long-Time Interpreter Ippei Mizuhara, after Ohtani’s attorneys having accused Ippei of engaging in “Massive Theft” of Shohei’s funds to place bets with an illegal bookmaker, Per The Los Angeles Times. ----- Sent from JPTT on my iPhone爆
Re: [情報] 水原一平被起訴espn的新聞內容詳細很多 錢是從大谷帳戶出去到運彩公司戶頭 原本水原說是大谷幫他還賭債 後來改口說大谷不知情 是他盜用大谷的帳戶爆
[情報] Ippei Mizuhara to the DodgersForget ohtani the dodgers are getting IPPEI. 目前合約細節還沒公佈。 不過依先前新聞的報導,從大谷年薪抽1%~2%給一平的話,預計也會破北美運動史上翻譯 最大約。50
Re: [情報] 水原一平被起訴道奇球團聲明稿: "The Dodgers are aware of media reports and are gathering information. The tea m can confirm that interpreter Ippei Mizuhara has been terminated. The team ha s no further comment at this time."47
[分享] 水原一平將在大谷參與HR Derby時擔任捕手Shohei Ohtani’s interpreter Ippei Mizuhara is going to catch while Ohtani is hitting in the HR Derby. 大谷的翻譯水原一平將在全壘打大賽時擔任接球的捕手41
[情報] 天使重新雇用水原一平Shohei Ohtani’s interpreter Ippei Mizuhara had to resign because otherwise he c ouldn’t have talked to Ohtani during the lockout. He was a staff member. The #A ngels rehired him. 由於封館時間,球團職員不能和球員說話33
Re: [閒聊] 馬少爺又出事了Haas發表聲明了,坐等看看會怎麼樣吧。 大意就是Haas團隊不開心。 正在進行內部處理所以暫時不做進一步的評論。12
[情報] Clayton Kershaw 續留道奇隊Can confirm the Dodgers have reached an agreement to re-sign Clayton Kershaw. A physical is scheduled for later in the week @JonHeyman and @Joelsherman1 on it3
Re: [新聞] 傳前田轉戰老虎 協議2年2400萬合約前田的第一份約當時我躲考慮的就是他的手肘有一天會爆掉去開Tommy John Multiple reports indicate Maeda's contract will be for eight years and $25 million, with a ton of incentives as well. Crasnick says the team is aware Maeda may need Tommy John surgery at some point. According to a source, the Dodgers know that Maeda will require surgery at some- 印象正確 擷取連結內容如下 Multiple reports indicate Maeda's contract will be for eight years and $25 million, with a ton of incentives as well. Crasnick says the team is aware Maeda may need Tommy John surgery at some point.
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