[情報] WBSC:日本這次12強轉播權分配
The World Baseball Softball Confederation (WBSC) announced the TV broadcast partners and streaming services in Japan for the WBSC Premier12 2024, presented by RAXUS.
Japanese broadcasters Tokyo Broadcasting System (TBS) and TV Asahi have acquired the TV rights to show Japan games at this year’s Premier12 international baseball tournament; while Prime Video and J SPORTS landed the rights to stream the event. J SPORTS also acquired the rights to broadcast on BS/CS satellite channels.
TBS電視台 小組賽 vs 韓國
小組賽 vs 台灣
朝日電視台 小組賽 vs 澳洲
小組賽 vs 古巴
小組賽 vs 多明尼加
Prime Video:串流轉播所有日本隊的賽事
During the Opening Round, TV Asahi will broadcast Group B's inaugural game between Japan and Australia in Nagoya, on November 13; as well as Japan's games against Cuba and Dominican Republic, on November 17 and 18 respectively. TBS acquired the rights to air Japan's contests against Korea on November 15 and Chinese Taipei on November 16.
The first Super Round game and the medal game (if Japan qualifies) will be broadcast by TV Asahi, while the games on November 22 and 23 will be aired by TBS.
J SPORTS will provide live broadcasts and streaming of 25 games of the Opening Round, including all Group A matches and Group B matches where Japan is not playing.
They will also broadcast and stream the three day games of the Super Round. Additionally,
Japan's games in the Opening Round, the three Super Round night games, the bronze medal match, and the Final will be broadcasted and streamed on-demand on J SPORTS in December.
All Japan's games, both in the Opening Round and Super Round, will be streamed live by Prime Video.
侍JAPAN官網就有寫了 https://is.gd/aCl419
感覺Prime Video在日本的市場佔有率比D+跟N+還要大
[分享] WBSC公布最新男子棒球排名 台灣升至第三名來源: WBSC/KONAMI Men's Baseball World Ranking update: Japan remains on top as Chinese Taipei, Puerto Rico and Colombia biggest climbers inside top 12 After their winning effort at the WBSC U-15 Baseball World Cup, Japan became the holders of every WBSC Baseball World Cup except for the U-12 event in34
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[討論] WBSC世界12強棒球賽,相關賽制資訊確定!#賽制確定 明年11月舉行的WBSC世界12強棒球賽,相關賽制資訊確定! 1. 依據WBSC公布最新世界男子排名前12名,分別為:日本、墨西哥、美國、南韓、 CHINESE TAIPEI、委內瑞拉、荷蘭、古巴、多明尼加、巴拿馬、澳大利亞、波多黎各。 2. 小組賽分為兩組,A組預計於美洲(地點尚未公布)舉行,B組預計於日本名古屋 (2024/11/13開幕戰)、「台北市」(2024/11/14-18)舉行。超級循環賽、決賽21
[情報] 2024 12強 又改回分組六取二晉級WBSC 11/10發布的這篇新聞稿 在X(原推特)留言詢問沒回復 The Tokyo Dome will host the Super Round (21-23 November) between the top two finishers of each group. 剛剛點進去看 top three 被改成 top two 了19
Re: [分享] WBC公布經典賽日程及地點為那些看到英文就頭痛甚至自動迴避的 簡單翻譯一下重點.... The global tournament will be played from 9-23 March and hosted in Japan, Taiwan and USA. The semi-finals and finals will be played at Marlins Park in Miami. 2021/03/09~235X
[分享] 快 買到票囉「世界棒球12強賽」大家搶票了嗎?這次我拿到的 #限量套票 恐怕比 #周杰倫 或 #江蕙 的演唱會還難搶吧 !2024年熱血沸騰的「世界棒球12強賽」(2024 #WBSC #Premier12)即將開打,預賽與 決賽分別在墨西哥、日本和台灣台北大巨蛋 TaipeiDome登場。 台灣預賽首戰將於11月13日迎戰強敵韓國 。中華隊身處「死亡之組」,將面對日本 、韓 國以及古巴等勁旅,爭奪「6搶2」的超級循環賽門票!中華隊將在世界舞台上再次展現實4
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Re: [情報] 2024 12強 又改回分組六取二晉級我剛剛看原文沒有只有每組取二 沒有寫6取2 但是根據下文判斷 是分成三組 所以如果是取二 那是4取2 不是6取2 就跟2019年的分組方式一樣 ".... 10-24 November with Group A taking place from 10-14 November in the Americas (host country, city and venue to be announced at a later date). Group B will then open at the Nagoya Dome, the home of the Chinichi Dragons
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