[情報] 紅人升Christian Encarnacion-Strand上
The Reds are calling up their No. 5 prospect, Christian Encarnacion-Strand, a source told MLB.com's Mark Feinsand on Sunday evening. Encarnacion-Strand, MLB Pipeline's No. 88 prospect, is currently at Triple-A Louisville. The Reds have notconfirmed the move.
現在在3A的Christian Encarnacion-Strand是紅人農場排名第5,MLB Pipeline百大排名第88的新秀
The first baseman/third baseman has torn up the International League, batting .331 with 20 home runs and a 1.042 OPS for the Bats. He will join rookies Elly DeLa Cruz, Matt McLain and Spencer Steer in the Reds' young but talented lineup.
在小聯盟主要守一壘、三壘,今年繳出屠殺整個聯盟的打擊數據,.331打擊率,20隻全壘打,OPS 1.042
‧ The longest full names in Major League history
FB捏了好久 終於啊
他上去的話誰要去板凳 ? Fraley ?
Spencer Steer 可以守OF
捏好久 終於可以上了
[情報] 秋山翔吾 未進入紅人開季名單Reds GM Nick Krall announces that OF Shogo Akiyama has not made the team. Akiy ama has the ability to become a free agent. In two years with the Reds, Akiyama hit .224 in 317 at bats. 紅人GM宣布秋山翔吾未進入紅人開季名單,他將有權利成為自由球員,不然就要去小聯盟19
[情報] Wander Franco 即將升上大聯盟BREAKING: It's Wander time. Top prospect Wander Franco has been told by #Rays he is being called up and will join them Tuesday when they open series against #RedSox at Trop. 光芒隊農場頂級新秀 Wander Franco15
[炸裂] Spencer Steer11局下突破僵局,靠著De La Cruz長打追平, 接著Senzel滾地球送回三壘 DLC時,一個明顯擋本壘被判出局,挑戰後維持原判,全場噓爆 好險下一棒今年紅人的驚奇之一Spencer Steer 兩好球後直接逮中一顆直球把球送過左外野大牆,再見全壘打 Reds Winnn! -----15
[情報] Brandon Drury 去教士SS Victor Acosta, the Padres' No. 6 prospect, heading back to the Reds for Drury , per source. TvXfg 宇宙教持續補強15
[分享] Elly De La Cruz生涯的大聯盟薪水被抽1因為Elly De La Cruz在小聯盟的時候與BLA公司簽約,同意上大聯盟的時候將10%的薪水給B LA,同時BLA當時提供他貸款供他吃穿。 BLA是一間會貸款給小聯盟球員的公 司,並且跟該球員談條件,如果該球員上大聯盟,未來生涯的薪水抽一定比例的薪資給BLA 。12
[分享] 春訓安打王─紅人「字母哥」Christian En春訓安打王─紅人「字母哥」Christian Encarnacion-Strand 城牆·Yahoo奇摩運動專欄作家 2023年3月17日 週五 上午10:54 MLB美國職棒大聯盟春訓向來是許多新秀磨刀霍霍、展現自己的舞台,尤其今年適逢WBC世5
[情報] 紅人將開箱農場NO.2 Nick LodoloWelcome to The Show, Nick Lodolo The Reds' 2019 first-round pick and current No. 2 prospect is scheduled to start and make his major league debut tomorrow against the Guardians.1
[情報] Tyler Mahle to TwinsBREAKING: The #MNTwins are acquiring Reds starter Tyler Mahle. Mahle owns a 4.40 ERA with 114 strikeouts in 104.1 innings. Reds are sending Tyler Mahle to the Twins for a package of three prospects:
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