According to @Sportico, Theo Epstein is joining Fenway Sports Group.
“One-time Red Sox general manager Theo Epstein is returning to the organization, taking part ownership of Fenway Sports Group and joining in the role of senior advisor, FSG will announce Friday morning.”
As great of an advisor as Craig Breslow could have
紅襪前總管Theo Epstein 確定要重返芬威集團
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首Po執掌經典賽感受衝擊 餅總難交代:下屆要打資格賽 ETtoday新聞雲 記者陳立勳/嘉市報導 統一7-ELEVEn獅總教練林岳平今年首度執掌經典賽中華隊兵符,經歷這段過程,林岳平坦言 ,「受到蠻大的衝擊。」 首次接下經典賽中華隊總教練任務,林岳平坦言,「確實是一個很大的衝擊,看到各國好手1
首Po台鋼狀元2擇1!領隊讚林子偉有人氣、實績 王念好也擁高評價 記者王真魚/綜合報導 紅襪旅美好手林子偉確定報名中職選秀,與高中三壘砲王念好為台鋼雄鷹狀元熱門人選。台 鋼如何抉擇?領隊劉東洋表示,林子偉有一定人氣與實績,王念好評價在內部也相當高,球 隊將會與教練團依隊形、戰力做考量。2
首Po職棒球員還是要有舞台 吳復連尊重吳念庭決定 旅日好手吳念庭今(1日)拋出震憾彈,決定結束日職生涯,返回台灣打球,他的父親、前職 棒名將吳復連證實,在2周前就有跟吳念庭在聊這件事,最終吳念庭做出決定,他尊重,也 為兒子加油。 吳復連表示,2周前有跟吳念庭在聊這件事,至於吳念庭最後決定離開日職,為什麼會做這X
首Po記者楊舒帆/綜合報導 樂天桃猿外野手邱丹10日凌晨在國道酒駕,被依照公共危險罪偵辦。樂天桃猿球團11日發布 懲處,確定將其開除。 樂天桃猿表示,針對6月10日凌晨發生的邱丹選手酒駕車禍事件,依照球團與球員契約第12條 4項於本日解除合約。球團重申絕對不允許此類事件再次發生,為了避免再次發生同樣的事情1
首Po七局下 小西瓜終於上啦 --
[情報] Theo Epstein 加入Fenway Sports紅襪隊前GM Theo Epstein做為part ownership兼senior advisor回歸FSG 心得: 這也算是一種鳳還巢吧? 不知道這advisor是針對紅襪的部分還是其他事業68
[花邊] LBJ成為波士頓紅襪隊的股東根據波士頓環球報的記者報導,Lebron James 購買了芬威體育集團(Fenway Sports Grou p )“未公開數量”的股份,這也將使他成為FSG以及旗下的波士頓紅襪隊的股東。 Los Angeles Lakers star LeBron James is set to claim an ownership stake in the Boston Red Sox.69
[情報] Theo Epstein辭職Theo Epstein will step down from his role as President of Baseball Operation s effective Nov. 20 and depart the organization after nine seasons. Jed Hoyer, who joined the club in Nov. 2011 as Executive VP/General Manager, will be named President of Baseball Operations. Theo Epstein辭去小熊棒球營運總裁的職務,這個職位將由Jed Hoyer接任,Epstein本12
[情報] LBJ成為紅襪隊的股東根據波士頓環球報的記者報導,Lebron James 購買了芬威體育集團(Fenway Sports Grou p )“未公開數量”的股份,這也將使他成為FSG以及旗下的波士頓紅襪隊的股東。 Los Angeles Lakers star LeBron James is set to claim an ownership stake in the Boston Red Sox.6
[討論] Theo Epstein總管有辦法治好中信兄弟嗎?!中信兄弟 最近七年拿了六次亞軍;算進隊史近十年一個冠軍杯都沒拿到 Theo Epstein是美國職棒的傳奇總管 幫助紅襪和小熊久旱逢甘霖破解魔咒的名人 要是辜辜狠下心、砸錢請Theo Epstein過來7
[情報] 紅襪新總管:Craig BreslowAccording to @alexspeier, Craig Breslow has accepted the Red Sox offer and will now be the new head of baseball operations. Breslow makes his return to the organization after two different stints as a pla yer (2006-2007, 2012-2015). Bring on the offseason.3
[討論] Theo Epstein請進,問您一個問題費鴻泰跟徐巧芯像Alpine一樣網內互打到互撞, 請問您覺得費鴻泰跟徐巧芯誰是Ocon誰是Gasly, 今天Alpine撞車誰要負最大責任? --1
[外電] Scott Harris成為老虎新總裁The Detroit Tigers are hiring San Francisco Giants general manager Scott Harri s as their new president of baseball operations, sources tell ESPN. Harris' ri se in the industry has been meteoric and he's been seen as a future front-offi ce star. Now he'll run the show in Detroit. 根據記者Jeff Passan 的推特,老虎正式宣佈聘請現任巨人隊GM Scott Harris成為球隊- Arizona Diamondbacks assistant general manager Jared Porter is working on a deal to be the new GM of the New York Mets, sources told ESPN's Jeff Passan on Saturday, confirming multiple reports. A longtime executive in Boston, Chicago and Arizona, Porter is immensely respected around baseball and has been seen as a future GM for years.