[分享] FG給徐若熙、曾峻岳的球種給分、球探報告
速球 滑球 曲球 Command FV
徐若熙 55/60 45/55 45/45 40/50 40+
曾峻岳 60/60 45/60 30/40 40+
Jo Hsi Hsu
Full Report
Tommy John surgery kept Hsu from pitching in 2022. When he returned very late in 2023, in time to pitch just 15.1 innings before the end of the season, his stuff was back, and that carried over into a totally healthy and productive 94.2 innings in 2024. Hsu was reaching back for 98 and sitting 95-96 at the very end ofthe 2024 season.
The athletic little righty and his drop-and-drive delivery generate uphill angle on that fastball, and Hsu's secondary stuff (especially his splitter) has continued to improve as he's gotten pro reps. He now looks like a nasty long reliever, and if he can sustain his stuff across another 50 innings or so, he'll have earned MLB starter projection.
His hard slider/cutter might end up being a better offering than his slow curveball relatively soon, and give him another above-average weapon. This is a very exciting young pitcher who might end up being posted to an NPB team for a year or two before he entertains MLB offers.
由於接受Tommy John手術,徐在2022年沒有投球,直到2023年底才重返賽場,並僅投了15.1局。
Jyun-Yue Tseng
Full Report
Young reliever Jyun-Yue Tseng led the CPBL in strikeout rate among hurlers who threw at least 45 innings from 2022-24 and was the youngest member of Taiwan's 2023 World Baseball Classic team. He has a power fastball that peaks at 99 mph and sits 93-96 with flat angle created by his lack of height. At 5-foot-8, Tseng is short but he isn't small, and his lower body is incredibly strong and flexible, helping quell concerns about durability.
Conversely, Tseng enjoys the benefits of having a lower release height because he's so short, which helps the bat-missing shape of his fastball. The finish of his slurve is rather inconsistent, but it's possible a big league dev program could quickly improve that part of his game. He looks like a solid middle relieverby virtue of his fastball, and he has a chance to be a more impactful, higher-leverage contributor if an MLB team can improve his breaking ball.
Somewhat surprisingly, Tseng filed for international free agency after the 2023season, but he didn't end up leaving the CPBL. If that happens again soon, it is likely an NPB team will swoop in because Tseng is subject to MLB's amaeur bonus restrictions until he's played a few more years of pro ball. A shoulder injurykept him off the 2024 Taiwanese Premier12 roster, so it's perhaps more likely he ends up matriculating to a tougher league after 2025. He has impact relief potential.
[情報] 天使熙登上世界棒總官網首頁了20-year-old rookie sensation Jo-Hsi Hsu struck out the opposing side in the first three innings of his career and was pulled out of the game in the fourth inning after striking out two more. TAICHUNG, Taiwan -- In a much-anticipated return of the Chinese Professional49
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[分享] 曾峻岳徐若熙 入選FG國際新秀排行榜FG最近公布了最新的國際新秀排行榜 入榜的台灣選手中 除了之前入選過的曾峻岳再度入選 現在了龍隊王牌徐若熙也獲入圍 成為第二名受到FG球探認可的台灣新秀 兩人評價如下38
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[分享] 劉致榮 球探報告官網紅襪農場排名30(去年季前排21) 來源: Scouting grades: Fastball: 50 | Slider: 55 | Changeup: 50 | Control: 50 | Overa ll: 40 ETA是202419
[分享] 佐佐木朗希 大聯盟官網球探報告今天有官網記者解釋朗希的簽約流程 裡面附上一篇簡單的球探報告 What's his scouting report? The 6-foot-2 Sasaki is a future frontline starter with the potential to have thr7
[閒聊] 山本由伸的BA球探報告球探報告: 山本身高 5 英尺 10 英寸,體重 176 磅,個子偏小,但他體格強壯,在比賽中擁有強大的武器庫。 他的快球速度為 94-96 英里/小時,毫不費力就能投出99 英里/小時,投球乾淨利落、充滿運動氣息。他有一雙揮臂快速的手臂,可以在好球帶的所有像限內指揮他的速球。 山本的主要次要投球是一個plus級、時速為 88-91 英里,具有巨大的Splitter可產生較弱的滾地球和空揮桿。他對splitter的控制非常好,並且對何時使用它有很好的感覺。- 效力響尾蛇3A的台灣好手林昱珉,在世界12強棒球賽展現大將之風,成功率領台灣奪下意義重大的冠軍,近日《Fangraphs》也釋出最新球探報告,他們將林昱珉排在響尾蛇農場第16名。 球探報告首先給出林昱珉各項武器的分數,其中速球評價30/40、曲球50/55、變速球40/50、卡特球40/50、控球40/45(兩項分數前者是現在後者為未來),直球均速在88-92英里,極速為95英里。 《Fangraphs》提到林昱珉今年充滿波折不過以成功做結,先是因為界外球擊中下顎導致骨折,在復出後完成21場先發,局數投超過100局,在秋季聯盟登板,並在12強代表台灣,不僅隨隊爆冷闖進冠軍戰,面對2019年後國際賽場上不敗的日本武士,他繳出4局僅被敲1安打的表現,與隊友攜手完封日本,拿下或許是台灣史上最重要的一冠。 林昱珉在賽事中敢與日職明星打者們叫囂,其對強敵展現出的膽量與自信特別被球探所提及,更點出他的運動能力很突出,不過相較之下他的球威跟精準控球的能力則沒有那麼亮眼。
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