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Raiders owner Mark Davis blasts Oakland A's proposed move to Las Vegas

The Oakland Athletics are planning to relocate to Las Vegas, much to the chagrin of Las Vegas Raiders owner Mark Davis.

It’s no secret that the A’s and Raiders have a contentious relationship. Theyshared the same venue in Oakland for many years. Davis, who uprooted the Raiders to Las Vegas in 2020, is not a fan of the A’s ownership group.


兩隊共用了Oakland Coliseum


In a recent interview with the Las Vegas Review-Journal, Davis shared his thoughts on the A’s proposed relocated efforts.

And he didn’t hold back.

而突襲者隊老闆Mark Davis近期接受拉斯維加斯評論報的訪問



"I won’t forget what they did to us in Oakland. They squatted on a lease for 10 years and made it impossible for us to build on that stadium," Davis said. "They were looking for a stadium. We were looking for a stadium. They didn’t want to build a stadium, and then went ahead and signed a 10-year lease with the cityof Oakland and said, ‘We’re the base team.'"

Mark Davis:我不會忘記當年在奧克蘭,綠帽對我們做的事!



The A’s had a stronghold on the Oakland Coliseum for many years. The stadium was built in 1966 and served as a dual-purpose venue. The Raiders played there for multiple seasons after transitioning back from Los Angeles in 1995.

Davis wanted to create improvements to the historic venue. However, he said he was met with backlash from the A’s ownership. He later pursued a new stadium inOakland, but the A’s decided to negotiate a new lease with the city.



Davis admitted that he does like the A’s players. He just has an issue with the ownership group that is deeply rooted in personal animosity.

"I have nothing against the players," Davis said. "I was an A’s fan, way back in the day, Reggie Jackson and all those guys. Reggie’s a good friend. But not this management group, no."

Mark Davis:我喜歡綠帽的球員,但我對綠帽的老闆群有意見


That’s the problem. They signed a 10-year lease while we were negotiating with Oakland officials), and it kind of put somebody right in the middle of things,” Davis said. “There isn’t much you can do. They’ve tied our hands behind ou
r back.


“Now it’s up to the A’s to make a declaration of what they want to do. If they don’t do that, I don’t see how we can make a deal.”

Davis hopes the A’s and Raiders can work together under his vision for the Coliseum site.

Mark Davis希望兩支球團能合作

The Athletics prefer to play at Coliseum and build a ballpark next to it. The Raiders want to tear down the aging sports venue, play off site and return to a newly minted site that features a football stadium and a new ballpark.






突襲者老闆Mark Davis 身價:19億美金

圖 突襲者老闆表達對綠帽的不滿

綠帽老闆John Fisher 身價:22億美金

圖 突襲者老闆表達對綠帽的不滿


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saiulbb04/22 22:23好複雜的關係 好難

ccl00704/22 22:24你突襲我的我突襲者

QchchQ04/22 22:25誰綠帽

Daley04/22 22:26突襲

SlamKai04/22 22:26綠帽自食惡果

max01106004/22 22:27還好吧 很多人都想逃離奧克蘭

chuegou04/22 22:29原來有這段 真的是在搞自己捏

AhCheng04/22 22:30可是突襲者..你們走了阿

ghostl4080904/22 22:30可是也不能自己跑了 對別人跟著你跑不開心啊

qoo2002s04/22 22:3118萬漲到51億 厲害

ccl00704/22 22:32他的意思是 如果運動家不提前換約 他們換約就可能重蓋球場

max01106004/22 22:32留在奧克蘭又沒比較好

ccl00704/22 22:32NFL市值規模跟MLB不同等級 NCAA真要算可能才是真正第二

ccl00704/22 22:33就加州大洲 深入內陸就吃好幾個州的市場有好有壞

gemboy04/22 22:37誰能解釋球場所有權到底是誰啊 兩種運動都有用

JonaGoGo04/22 22:39其實突擊者到LV還有吸引更多他們LA球迷去看球的誘因

sesd04/22 22:39 無情城市 快跑是對的 MLB出現3000觀眾這數字 還不嚇死

Yjizz04/22 22:41自作孽?

Yjizz04/22 22:41三角關係好亂

Vram04/22 22:42原地重建,那兩隊要去哪

bmwnyy87091504/22 22:50原地重建 綠帽要流浪很久 一年打那麼多場

ccl00704/22 22:50當時小聯盟各地這麼多球場 來個全國巡迴 反正吉祥物一樣

bestteam04/22 23:01球場所有權是當地政府的啊 球隊都是房客

bestteam04/22 23:02當初是A房客想聯合B房客對房東施壓

catsondbs04/22 23:13最後一個共用場地的球團

GyroZeppeli04/22 23:37就綠帽想繼續用這球場 突襲者想兩個一起重蓋

jerrysun110704/22 23:451966年的18萬鎂不知道相當於現在的多少

Griffey16804/22 23:48一年突擊者打8場主場,綠帽要打81場主場。

colin7981304/22 23:50為什麼奧克蘭市府這18年來對這件事情沒積極處理?

ccl00704/23 00:01今年一月最後一場主場 觀眾人數:62136 電視台百大收視率

ccl00704/23 00:0170%是NFL的比賽

WiLLSTW04/23 00:32不是 nfl一年打幾場 mlb一年打幾場

icecreamdog04/23 01:14這也可以轉去NFL板了

icecreamdog04/23 01:14兩邊同時都有討論

Hohenzollern04/23 01:39奧克蘭市政府當初拉攏運動家隊擺了突擊者隊一道

Hohenzollern04/23 01:41這也說明了運動家隊一直想留在奧克蘭 直到心死出走

Hohenzollern04/23 01:41拉斯維加斯

uxy8204/23 06:41天賜良機!

Godofthebutt04/23 17:45所以綠帽搞到現在這樣活該