[情報] 光芒要蓋新巨蛋球場了?
ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. – A new ballpark for the Tampa Bay Rays will be built near the current one under plans unveiled Monday as part of a massive redevelopmentproject that also includes affordable housing, office space and retail in what was once a thriving Black neighborhood.
Mayor Ken Welch of St. Petersburg, Florida, chose a partnership between the Rays and the Houston-based Hines development company from among four proposals to transform an 86-acre (34-hectare) downtown site where Tropicana Field now sits. Welch said the plan should keep the Rays in St. Petersburg for the long term.
聖彼得斯堡市長新任Ken Welch
Rays president Brian Auld, who attended the mayor's event, said in a brief interview it is "a thrill" to see the project take a major step forward.
光芒總裁Brian Auld在簡短的採訪中表示
The plan calls for a new domed stadium to be ready for the 2028 season opener; the Rays' current stadium lease is up in 2027. Renderings indicate the old stadium would be demolished.
Details remain to be worked out over the next several years, including how to finance the project among the Rays, the city, Pinellas County and other entities.Welch, who is St. Petersburg's first Black mayor, emphasized that a key goal isto restore a majority Black neighborhood known as the Gas Plant District that was ousted by the stadium and a highway.

最後3行 很中肯
光芒隊想要搬到坦帕市中心 不是留在聖彼得堡市
政府不肯補助 老闆不想自己出錢
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