[情報] 天使隊與其他球隊已就大谷交易進行過溝通

看板Baseball標題[情報] 天使隊與其他球隊已就大谷交易進行過溝通作者
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The Angels have communicated about Shohei Ohtani trade scenarios with other teams in recent days.

Even as the Angels have won 6 of 8, the possibility of an Ohtani trade remains.

The Angels are at 9.6% in the latest @baseball_ref playoff odds projection.

@MLBNetwork @MLB



依據Baseball Reference最新的預測,天使隊打進季後賽機率為9.6%



July 24: Despite improved play, Angels reportedly still talking Ohtani trade scenarios

The Halos are within four games of an AL Wild Card spot, but an ownership source told ESPN’s Buster Olney (subscription required) that the team’s standing inthe postseason race might not even be the deciding factor in whether or not Ohtani is trade.

"I think it comes down to whether [Angels owner] Arte [Moreno] believes he has a chance to keep Ohtani [in free agency]”, the official said. "If he thinks he has any shot at it, I think he won't trade him, to keep the door open."

If Moreno does decide to trade Ohtani, it is believed that he would look to steer him toward a team that isn't in direct competition with the Angels, making a deal with clubs such as the regional-rival Dodgers and the AL West-rival Rangersunlikely, per Olney’s reporting.

大意是有個老闆層級的消息來源告知ESPN的記者Buster Olney天使隊與季後賽的距離可能不是決定大谷會不會被交易的重要因素




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※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 07/25/2023 08:08:14

Lebrono07/25 08:11東區機率大增

ericinttu07/25 08:12 沒差 給你AIR就好

veter07/25 08:14快交易不要耽誤大谷

sixsix66607/25 08:17感覺很有自信能跟大谷續約

bmwnyy87091507/25 08:18要交易不就光芒金鶯選一個

Yjizz07/25 08:23ARTE這麼有自信...

ainge07/25 08:27天使陣營有辦法精確評估季後簽回大谷的可能性嗎?FA 以後

ainge07/25 08:27應該轉隊機率很高吧。不然,為何不用延長合約進行?

kauw07/25 08:28大谷出怪聲不跟天使續約馬上交易

armania07/25 08:28自我感覺良好

f131791307/25 08:28那 那就是趕快交易拜託

kauw07/25 08:29老闆想留就去交易一個王牌投手等級的讓人看到他有想爭冠軍

kauw07/25 08:29,看看天使先發輪值的era慘不忍賭

polanco07/25 08:29記得大谷還他的經紀人有說過季中不會談續約

hornets122107/25 08:36支持續約

mikilin2307/25 08:40天使簽不下大谷啦....FA就是走人

mightymouse07/25 08:46天使哪有菜買的到王牌等級的投手,去年季末還一堆

mightymouse07/25 08:46鄉民說天使有夠爛一個王牌都沒買到,現在事後看還

mightymouse07/25 08:46好沒出手去買,去年那些大投手今年都有夠慘

Yjizz07/25 08:59推特這時間的熱門圖

圖 天使隊與其他球隊已就大谷交易進行過溝通

Yjizz07/25 09:00這時候只要露出: 尷尬又不失禮貌地微笑

louisxxiii07/25 09:46大谷快走吧 天使就是沒救了

bingreen07/25 09:48天使不久前橫掃我基:)

sarahlo07/25 10:03那光芒吧

lsj04907/25 10:04美東機率大增 金鶯光芒準備好了

sunnydragon707/25 11:45Arte不會花大錢簽長約買明星王牌投手,因為他說野

sunnydragon707/25 11:45手可以天天上,投手五天上一次

ATand07/25 12:1210年拿鉅額薪資卻待在一個與季後賽絕緣的球隊,跟坐牢一樣

Aybar07/25 13:44這奇怪 如果有把握簽回 更應該現在交易換好手 明年簽回 就

Aybar07/25 13:44有新戰力不是嗎

ken72033107/25 15:28不到一成可以進季後賽…

kingwei52007/25 16:02打完老虎後硬戰開始了,5成勝率還能撐多久