[情報] 洋基與Snell的最新乳摸

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Feb. 27: Where talks stand between Yanks and Snell (report)

Discussions between Snell and the Yankees are ongoing, but MLB Network insider Jon Heyman hears that there has been little progress between the two sides.

談判進行中,不過Jon Heyman聽說幾乎毫無進展

Writing for the New York Post, Heyman reports that the Yankees and agent Scott Boras have discussed multiple concepts for a contract but haven’t been able to find common ground. One Yankees person characterized the chances of a deal with Snell as “extremely low.”


Boras floated the possibility of a shorter-term deal with a higher average annual value and multiple opt-outs, like the one he negotiated with the Cubs (per a source) for Cody Bellinger.


However, the Yankees aren’t interested in that concept for multiple reasons. The first is the Competitive Balance Tax ramifications -- any deal with Snell will push the Yankees north of the highest tax line of $297 million, and a higher AAV would come with a higher tax.


The Yanks would also need to surrender Draft compensation and international bonus pool money to sign Snell after he rejected a qualifying offer, so they aren’t keen on the idea of the pitcher having a chance to opt out after only one or two years.


New York offered Snell a five-year deal in January, and Heyman hears that the team was willing to go to six years with an AAV around $28 million. However, thatdidn’t work for Snell.




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johnwu02/28 08:20是還要更長的約嗎

RodrigueZ81002/28 08:21拜託別簽談崩最好

rayterzll02/28 08:22別簽談崩+1

Notif52002/28 08:24拜託別簽 直接談崩就好

abc1281202/28 08:31洋基去年簽了某波拉斯客戶 現在整個被當冤大頭

c257891002/28 08:31都在春訓了 感覺誰簽誰倒楣

alex872502/28 08:33來富邦 史耐戈

bingreen02/28 08:34簽長約容易變盤子約呀,看誰接盤

Kaberman56902/28 08:35來中信 福來穩

yeah846602/28 08:36別簽啦

hansvonboltz02/28 08:38現在是只剩下洋基484,去找別隊啦

jwptt02/28 08:44感覺去天使了

RodrigueZ81002/28 08:47如果去年沒簽Rodon可以衝 高風險約別再簽了

max01106002/28 08:49怕又是另一個羅東...

jianoon02/28 08:512y 10M 不要拉倒

a2527067202/28 08:53兩屆賽揚應該值得賭賭看吧!而且去年剛拿耶

hdotistyle02/28 08:56巨人好像也在追

RodrigueZ81002/28 08:57去年洋基季初號稱最強輪值 結果除了Cole全躺

RodrigueZ81002/28 08:58連帶搞崩牛棚 沒空間去賭這種啦

RodrigueZ81002/28 08:59現在先發除了Cole一樣滿滿鬼牌 多一張何必呢

yaes11102/28 09:01再長就不要了 現在耐投的比較稀有

AZBTPATONY02/28 09:06洋基又要當盤子了 為什麼我說又?

sustainer12302/28 09:09不爽不要簽啊 snell直接空一年 嘻嘻

edhuang02/28 09:13考前30天

Minihil02/28 09:18Rodon能恢復水準的話是可以不用簽啦 頂多季中買個打工仔

loloool02/28 09:20洋基吃不下蝸牛啦

Minihil02/28 09:20短約至少一年35M 加上快加倍的稅爆貴

Notif52002/28 09:30Rodon跟小鬍子恢復水準的話我基只要季中補強就好了

Notif52002/28 09:30真的沒必要簽蝸牛

b9920207102/28 09:38可憐 誰叫你拖

maimai206302/28 09:41摸摸摸

kevinftjiang02/28 09:41帶蒙哥回家還比較有期待感

NG102802/28 09:46過譽仔

hexokinase02/28 09:48蝸牛拜託別撐了 快簽

JacqueJones02/28 10:30他要短約肯定貴到爆,搞不好會是40M的短約

dante11005902/28 10:44洋基就抽掉吧 反正都春訓了也不想簽 那就不要了

kenro02/28 11:37那就別簽啦

nomo161602/28 11:486Y/AAV28M還不要,那你去找別個盤子吧

Yjizz02/28 11:50洋基算有誠意了吧

Dimitre02/28 12:2228M 6年很好了吧 這樣都不要到底是??

Dimitre02/28 12:23真的無言 是要30M 10年膩?

glayian02/28 13:21這很盤了欸 都不要? 6年AAV大約28M

LoseElk02/28 13:44拜託別簽 給他找其他人貪

skypieadream02/28 14:02希望到開季都沒人簽 笑死

lookers02/28 14:506/28都不要怎麼看都會後悔

iso90330602/28 14:51等到開季 1年1千萬看他簽不簽 今年賽揚 隔年失業 等著

iso90330602/28 14:51被笑...

lookers02/28 14:51snell是札幌巨蛋

Sechslee02/28 15:13你不簽 我不簽 明天降兩千

Minihil02/28 15:19他願意1年拿2X 一堆隊伍搶著要啦

fan022602/28 16:49也沒吧,一年2X,掉QO,然後一年就閃,除了少數幾

fan022602/28 16:49隻爭冠,應該沒人要出

fan022602/28 16:495/150都不簽了

fan022602/28 16:49肯定想要6年以上

Minihil02/28 18:38我是說年均啦 目前他要的年均30M+