[情報] 今年MLB聯盟冠軍戰收視創2018後新高

看板Baseball標題[情報] 今年MLB聯盟冠軍戰收視創2018後新高作者
時間推噓12 推:12 噓:0 →:2

The full, seven-game Diamondbacks-Phillies series averaged 5.34 million viewersacross TBS and truTV, up 15% from last year’s five-game Phillies-Padres serieson Fox Sports (4.66M) and higher than this year’s seven-game ALCS on Fox (5.05M). With both series going the distance, the complete LCS averaged 5.19 million viewers — up 6% from last year’s nine-game average (4.88M) and the highest LCSaverage since 2018 (5.31M).



After declines for the Wild Card round and Division Series, the LCS has boostedthe full postseason average to a four percent increase over the first three rounds last year (from 3.64 to 3.77M).


TBS Delivers Network’s Most Watched MLB Postseason Game in Eight Years

TBS’ exclusive coverage of the 2023 NLCS presented by loanDepot, Game 7 delivered the most-watched MLB Postseason game on the network in eight years, with 9.1million total viewers* across TBS, truTV and Max tuning in to watch the ArizonaDiamondbacks capture the National League pennant and punch their ticket to the World Series.



圖 今年MLB聯盟冠軍戰收視創2018後新高

The telecast is also the seventh most-watched baseball program to ever air on TBS.

The Diamondbacks’ 4-2 victory over the Phillies is the highest rated LCS game in the Philadelphia market in 13 years, and the highest rated CS game in the Phoenix market in 16 years.


Viewership for the seven-game NLCS series finished up 17% vs. the 2022 NLCS (4.7 million, Philadelphia Phillies vs. San Diego Padres, 5 games) and up 5% over the 2022 ALCS on TBS (5.2 million viewers, Houston Astros vs. New York Yankees, 4games).


Overall, TBS’ coverage of the 2023 MLB Postseason — including National LeagueDivision Series and Championship Series coverage — averaged 4.6 million viewers, up 8% compared to the network’s 2022 MLB Postseason coverage.



This includes strong year-over-year audience growth among key demos, driven in part by simulcast streaming on Max: up 13% in P18-34, up 14% in P18-49, and up 13% in P25-54.



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gaplife10/26 14:50nba開幕創近年新低

cycling10/26 14:50鳳凰城500萬 聖地牙哥300萬 當然多啊

same6071010/26 14:54有G7有收視 更別說兩邊都戰到最後

rappig10/26 14:57不過WS條蛇這組合 不知道關注度如何

zxc90638310/26 14:59曼佛地魔一定超想要費條 而不是蛇條

sean1234567810/26 15:08啊就真的很精彩啊。不意外。

Kitakami10/26 15:13賺爛了賺爛了

c25197010/26 15:37打到G7真的話題性十足

s589414310/26 15:56G7加逆轉還不看爆

a091310/26 16:01因為兩邊都G7

ForeverChop10/26 16:04兩邊都滿滿Drama 不是一面倒 當然收視率高

RiceLover10/26 16:202018是不是也有金寶

bingreen10/26 16:26今年精采!金寶歡樂送

takamiku10/26 17:082018有紅襪奇蹟之旅