[情報] 道奇今年奢侈稅帳單:破記錄1.03億美金
道奇: $103.016M
大都會 $97.116M
洋基 $62.512M
費城人 $14.351M
勇士 $14.026M
遊騎兵 $10.807M
太空人 $6.483M
巨人 $2.421M
小熊 $570,309
The Los Angeles Dodgers topped a record nine teams owing Major League Baseball’s luxury tax this year with an unprecedented $103 million penalty
The total tax of $311.3 million topped the previous high of $209.8 million lastyear, when eight teams paid. Tax money is due to MLB by Jan. 21.
More than $1 billion in taxes have been collected since the penalty started in 2003, with 15 teams paying $1.23 billion. The Yankees lead at $452 million, followed by the Dodgers at $350 million and the Mets.
[情報] 大谷去道奇Breaking MLB free agency news: Shohei Ohtani is signing with the LA Dodgers. 大谷翔平宣布與洛杉磯道奇隊簽約 他是透過自己的IG直接公布了 自己的下一站是洛杉磯道奇隊爆
[情報] 勇士今年目前奢侈稅遠超過其他聯盟隊伍來源: Yahoo Sports 網址: Warriors' luxury tax bill far outpaces every team before NBA season 勇士隊奢侈稅遠超過聯盟其他隊伍 The Warriors knew they would pay a premium to put their roster together this爆
[情報] 本賽季共有8支球隊交奢侈稅:勇士4030萬Eight NBA teams finished over the luxury tax line for the 2023-24 season. Here are the estimated amounts they were over by: 1. Warriors: $40.3M 2. Clippers: $34.8M爆
[花邊] 下個球季會是歷史級的繳稅球季Clippers payroll and luxury tax combined now precisely at $300M. Other current top expensive teams: Warriors - $362M Nets - $306M77
[情報] 球員團體協議改變讓勇士得利 其他隊不爽來源: ClutchPoints 網址: Golden State Warriors big winners in CBA rule change, other teams upset 勇士隊在球員團體協議中獲得利益 其他隊不開心 The NBA and the players’ union have already come to terms on the amended CBA77
[花邊] 目前各隊奢侈稅:勇網艇需繳納超過一億It certainly pays to be under the luxury tax this season Per team tax distribution right now is at $13M 8 teams in the tax (with penalty) GSW- $184M25
[閒聊] 2024世界大賽組合戲碼您看好哪一個?隨著美聯大驚奇老虎的出局 2024最後四強終於出線 兩邊分別是美聯前二種子互鬥 vs 奢侈稅排名前二互咬 大城市絕對多數 所以不少熟面孔 可能的組合有下列幾種情形:10
[外絮] 聯盟準備公布2020-21薪資及奢侈稅預測來源: ESPN 網址: Sources: NBA set to release revised 2020-21 salary and luxury tax projections 聯盟準備公布更新的2020-21薪資以及奢侈稅的預測 The NBA has alerted teams to the impending release of adjusted 2020-202110
[分享] 道奇隊休賽季至今花費已超過12億美金今天簽下Teoscar Hernandez後,道奇休賽季花費已超過12億美金 The #Dodgers total offseason spending thus far: $1.202B Every other #MLB team combined: $1.225B 道奇目前在休賽季的花費:12.02億9
[情報] 大聯盟想增加第四層豪華稅線MLB seeks to add a 4th tier for the very biggest spending teams that r way over the luxury tax threshold, to be taxed at the highest rate. This is likely to aff ect only Mets and Dodgers in ‘22. Word is, Mets owner Steve Cohen is OK with it if MLB thinks it’s for the greater good.
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