[情報] 松井裕樹和教士的合約細節(逐年薪水)

看板Baseball標題[情報] 松井裕樹和教士的合約細節(逐年薪水)作者
時間推噓15 推:15 噓:0 →:5

NEW YORK -- Yuki Matsui can earn $33.6 million over five seasons with the San Diego Padres if the Japanese reliever becomes the team's closer, and the pitcher could opt out of the deal after three years and $14.5 million if his pitching elbow remains healthy.

Matsui's agreement, announced Dec. 23, is a $28 million, five-year deal that includes salaries of $3.25 million this year, $5.5 million in 2025, $5.75 million in 2026, $6.5 million in 2027 and $7 million in 2028, according to contract terms obtained Tuesday by The Associated Press

If he does have Tommy John surgery or has an elbow injury causing more than 130consecutive days on the injured list spanning '24 and '25, San Diego has a conditional $7 million option for 2028. If the conditions for the team option aren'tmet, Matsui has a $7 million player option for 2028.

Matsui has $1.4 million in annual escalators that would increase his salary in the following season if earned from 2024-27. He would get $150,000 for 15 games finished, $250,000 each for 25, 35 and 45 and $500,000 for 55.

He cannot be traded without his consent. He also gets an interpreter, a hotel suite on road trips and annual round-trip tickets to Japan. He will become a freeagent when the contract ends.


2024 28歲 3.25M
2025 29歲 5.5M
2026 30歲 5.75M
2027 31歲 6.5M
2028 32歲 7M


關門15場 150K
關門25場 250K
關門35場 250K
關門45場 250K
關門55場 500K

2.若2024-2025有動TJ或是因手肘傷勢連續缺席超過130天的話,第五年將轉為球團選擇權, 反之第五年會是球員選擇權





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※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 01/03/2024 09:10:20

zxc906383:轉錄至看板 MLB

01/03 09:10

joeler01/03 09:10777

ericinttu01/03 09:12關門55場 500K 然後25~54場都 250K ??

zxc90638301/03 09:13那是累積的

lookers01/03 09:13累進

ericinttu01/03 09:13$250,000 each for 25, 35 and 45 ← 看懂了

zxc90638301/03 09:14150K*1+250K*3+500K*1=最高1.4M激勵

loloool01/03 09:40關門是九局投球才算? 還是這裡的激勵是指上場

edhuang01/03 09:48最後一任的意思 真有到55場很高

polanco01/03 09:52去年GF 55場以上才4個 超難

Yao91033601/03 10:04沒關門就沒獎金了

b9920207101/03 10:13還以為要500次三振(X

Leo092301/03 10:13很好奇這合約細節是經紀公司公布的嗎?

zxc90638301/03 10:17記者去問的吧

jshuang01/03 11:39投八局完美避開獎金

b9920207101/03 12:00救援成功的意思嗎

baseballbin01/03 12:205. 合約結束還會有什麼其他狀態?

球員年資不滿六年不會是FA 亞洲過去的都會特別加註在合約內

ultratimes01/03 12:375不是多講的嗎?又不是中職假FA

※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 01/03/2024 12:45:48

martell1165501/03 13:42便宜

q51072401/03 13:45結果都放SU 獎金一毛拿不到

T901/03 14:05沒5的話應該會落入薪資仲裁