[炸裂] Zack McKinstry
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※ 編輯: night72 ( 臺灣), 08/28/2023 04:51:27
[分享] Z魔神:要簽名可以啊,但我要拍張照Zack Greinke makes his first start of the spring in less than an hour. A fan approached and asked for an autograph as Zack left the bullpen. Zack said he would, but only if he could take the fan’s picture. Reed from Cali agreed to the terms & Zack pulled out his phone. #Royals37
[閒聊] 說真的,一直斷章取義ZACK不太好吧?看本版今天又在酸ZACK 說他看空結果Q2數據出來ZACK認錯 但ZACK整篇文章看下來 都抓住國泰的核心觀點:「短多長空」 但房板無腦多緊抓臉書下面的留言說ZACK承認每年跌10%辦不到47
[閒聊] Z魔神:要簽名可以啊,但我要拍張照Zack Greinke makes his first start of the spring in less than an hour. A fan approached and asked for an autograph as Zack left the bullpen. Zack said he would, but only if he could take the fan’s picture. Reed from Cali agreed to the terms & Zack pulled out his phone. #Royals32
[情報] Corey Seager 右手骨折剛才道奇對馬大魚的比賽 西哥弟右手腕挨了一記觸身球 馬上就被換下場 結果右手腕骨折9
[分享] Zack Greinke的連續三振PitchingNinja評論Z魔神Zack Greinke的連續三振 88英哩的速球三振 88英哩的變速球三振 如果是Zack Greinke的話,這不一定有意義。6
[炸裂] Zach McKinstryMcKinstry在八局上面對Givens擊出了左外野深遠飛球 雖然Tapia成功把球撈回場內 不過可惜沒能完全控制好球完成接殺 McKinstry也一路賣力的跑回本壘跑出場內全壘打 這也是道奇今年紀錄上的第一支全壘打5
[分享] 今日Cody Bellinger、Zach McKinstryCody Bellinger AB R H RBI BB SO AVG 5 1 1 1 0 1 .188 Zach McKinstry AB R H RBI BB SO AVG4
[分享] 今日Zach McKinstryAB R H RBI BB SO AVG McKinstry 4 1 2 1 0 0 .333 道奇新人Zach McKinstry今年作為工具人表現出色 打擊表現也相當不錯 目前出賽11場繳出OPS 1.088的成績4
[炸裂] Zach McKinstry剛剛 Mookie Betts 才打滿貫讓蛇蛇開魯閣 Zach McKinstry 同一局又補上兩分砲 工具人本季第七支全壘打 道奇15:0領先 文章還沒修完 普神又 B2B了 ..... --4
[情報] 小熊道奇交易Source: The Cubs are receiving Zach McKinstry in the Chris Martin trade with t he Dodgers. 小熊送出Chris Martin給道奇,換來Zach McKinstry --
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