[炸裂] Starling Marte
Marte 從 Matt Barnes 手中敲出 419ft 的本季首轟
梅子領先擴大到 4:0
今天馬林魚先發 Edward Cabrera 2.2 局內就丟了 7 個保送
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[情報] 梅子Starling Marte將出戰WBC多明尼加隊Mets OF Starling Marte committed to play for DR in the 2023 World Baseball Class ic. Marte met with Nelson Cruz, GM of the Dominican team and confirmed that he w ill play, per @TenchyRodNYC. 大都會外野手Starling Marte26
[情報] Starling Marte to AthleticsMarlins are close to trading OF Starling Marte to the Oakland Athletics per sources. 運動家快要接近換到 Starling Marte 了?16
[情報] 運動家馬林魚交易不久前完成的交易 馬林魚送出Starling Marte到運動家換取左投Jesus Luzardo 馬林魚會負責吃掉Marte合約剩下的薪資 --5
[分享] 今日 山口俊今天山口俊 對馬林魚2:2平手時中繼上場 IP H R ER K BB ERA 2.2 3 1 1 3 0 4.11 六局下1出局三壘有人上場 拆彈成功沒有失分3
[情報] Starling Marte目前在FA市場很搶手Starling Marte market is very hot, so he could be that rare star player who sign s a big multiyear deal in November, as I just said on Hot Stove. Phillies, Yanke es, Mets, Astros, Rangers, Marlins, many others in. @MLBNetwork 目前Starling Marte的市場很熱4
[情報] Starling Marte to MarlinsHear the #Marlins are acquiring Starling Marte from the #Diamondacks Starling Marte to the Marlins is done, per source.4
[分享] 今日Edward CabreraEdward Cabrera MIA#27(W,2-0) 6IP 1R 1ER 2H 2BB 4K 1HR NP 99-55 ERA 0.75 WHIP 0.75 MAX 158 km/h 今天馬林魚的頂級新秀Edward Cabrera先發面對國民隊 再次繳出一場超優質先發,主投六局送出四次三振
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