[情報] NBA巫師老闆:我還是想要買下國民
Monumental Sports & Entertainment CEO Ted Leonsis, who offered more than $2 billion to buy the Washington Nationals from the Lerners last year after the familyannounced it would explore the possibility of selling the team in April 2022, confirmed Tuesday that he remains interested in adding the MLB franchise to his professional sports empire
在之前開價超過20億美金要買國民隊失敗的NBA巫師老闆Ted Leonsis
In February, Mark Lerner, the Nationals’ managing principal owner, said the team was no longer for sale, but people familiar with the Lerners’ thinking have said they expect the family would consider a new offer after the 2024 season, should a bidder surface.
雖然目前國民老闆Mark Lerner宣佈不賣了
the Lerners explored a sale before the 2022 season, the asking price was somewhere around the $2.4 billion Steve Cohen paid for the New York Mets in 2020, according to people familiar with their thinking.
But everyone from Lerner family members to MLB officials doubted the Nationals would receive the offer they wanted until the uncertainty and litigation surrounding their television revenue was resolved.
A resolution to the MASN situation never seemed likely while the Angelos family, long resentful of the Lerners and the arrival of the Nationals, controlled theteam. But new Orioles owner David Rubenstein, who partnered with Leonsis in exploring a bid for the Nationals, has offered reason for optimism, promising to find a way to resolve the dispute.
都是會賺錢的投資啊 之後轉賣幾乎都再賺一筆
Ted Leonsis這次有機會成功嗎?
[花邊] 巫師隊老闆計畫將球隊搬家到維吉尼亞北部Adrian Wojnarowski @wojespn ESPN story on Washington owner Ted Leonsis preparing to move Wizards, Capitals to Northern Virginia21
[情報] Brad Hand to Nationals 1yr/10.5MCloser Brad Hand and the Washington Nationals are in agreement on a one-year, $10.5 million contract, sources familiar with the deal tell ESPN. Hand winds up with more than his option and will be the Nationals’ new close 國民以1年10.5M簽下前印地安人終結者Brad Hand21
[情報] 美國職棒各隊老闆身價淨值列表MLB Owners’ Net Worth 老闆或組織單位名 單位:美金 大都會隊 Steve Cohen $159 億美金 藍鳥隊 Edward Rogers III $115 億美金14
[情報] 國民收到數個對Trea Turner的重磅報價There hasn't yet been an indication that the Washington Nationals are on the brink of a massive sell-off, but that doesn't mean clubs haven't called about some of their talent. The Nationals have received "a lot" of interest in Trea Turner and have not firmly ruled out trading the infielder, according to a report.4
[情報] Matt Barnes 跟國民隊簽下小聯盟合約Nationals' Matt Barnes: Lands with Nats on MiLB deal Barnes signed a minor-league contract with the Nationals on Tuesday that includes an invitation to spring training, Mark Zuckerman of MASNSports.com reports. Barnes missed much of the 2023 season following hip surgery and had just a- 華盛頓國民曾傳出要賣掉球隊,如今國民隊主要老闆勒納(Mark Lerner)決定不再出售球 隊,結束在市場近兩年的時間尋找買家的過程。 國民隊目前正值春訓,勒納在美國時間週一向美媒《華盛頓郵報》表示,他的家庭已經決定 不賣球隊。根據《美聯社》指出,一名國民隊發言人證實《華盛頓郵報》的報導。 --
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