[情報] 費城對紅襪首局外野球迷從看台摔落牛棚
Scary scary moment at Citizens Bank Park. Appears a fan fell into the Red Soxbullpen. Unclear at this moment. But the fan was upright and is being carted
off, moving limbs as he does so. Wow.
The spectator was conscious and speaking, it appeared, while being taken off
on the cart.
Red Sox- Phillies delayed after fan medical emergency in Boston bullpen
I'll update this when more information is provided but this is all I know fornow:
第一場一局上就有意外發生 造成比賽延遲約十分鐘
一位外野球迷摔入客隊(紅襪)牛棚受傷 目前該球迷意識清楚已送醫
[情報] 紅襪球迷於球場高喊fuck Kyrie影片 The “fuck Kyrie” chants were LOUD at Fenway Park 今天芬威球場外野襪迷 齊聲高喊fuck Kyrie55
[情報] 費城人繼2010後,再度晉級國聯冠軍戰費城人睽違12年,再度晉級國聯冠軍戰 #Eagles owner Jeffrey Lurie (and long-time Red Sox fan), is at the Phillies game43
[花邊] 咖哩為了紅襪替同城巨人招募Aaron JudgeWhich is why Warriors superstar Stephen Curry was called into service as part of the recruiting committee in the Giants’ quest to lure Judge away from the Yank ees and back to his Northern California roots. 最近洋基隊FA球星Aaron Judge,飛去舊金山和巨人球團見面27
[分享] 外野襪迷今日對Kevin Kiermaier喊話剛剛看到這個,就是今天外野紅襪球迷在Kevin Kiermaier守備時 齊聲高喊“GROUND RULE DOUBLE” Red Sox fans were chanting “GROUND RULE DOUBLE” at Kevin Kiermaier and he gave them a golf clap17
[分享] 費城人&費城老鷹老闆都到場觀戰#Eagles owner Jeffrey Lurie (and long-time Red Sox fan), is at the Phillies game wearing a “P” Cap, and seated with Phils owner John Middleton 今天同城的NFL費城老鷹老闆Jeffrey Lurie+費城人老闆John Middleton今天都有到現場15
[情報] Richard Bleier:這不是我印象中的金鳥迷Red Sox reliever Richard Bleier, who was part of the Orioles' roster from 2017 t o 2020, called out inappropriate behavior by some Baltimore fans during the thre e-game series that took place this week. 紅襪中繼投手Richard Bleier於2017-2020是效力於金鶯13
[情報] 紅襪新秀Triston Casas光上身在外野曬太陽Triston Casas is spending his first morning in the big leagues with his shirt of f, sunning himself on the outfield grass. One Red Sox player exited the dugout, took in the scene, and shouted: “Are you (expletive) kidding me??” 紅襪新秀Triston Casas 登上大聯盟的第一個早上10
[情報] 紅襪老闆John Henry被球迷噓今天紅襪老闆John Henry出席了 在芬威球場舉辦的NHL Winter Classic 由波士頓棕熊隊出戰匹茲堡企鵝8
Fw: [情報] 紅襪老闆John Henry被球迷噓作者: zxc906383 (無無) 看板: Baseball 標題: [情報] 紅襪老闆John Henry被球迷噓 時間: Tue Jan 3 11:42:32 2023 今天紅襪老闆John Henry出席了 在芬威球場舉辦的NHL Winter Classic8
[閒聊] 紅襪選到的Marcelo Mayer是洋基迷Marcelo Mayer grew up a Yankees fan but just told ESPN that he "is the biggest R ed Sox fan of all-time now" 今天第一輪選的高中生Marcelo Mayer從小就是洋基球迷 不過跟ESPN說他今後會是忠實的紅襪球迷