[炸裂] Aaron Judge(op
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[情報] Aaron Gordon 不再參加灌籃大賽消息來源: Aaron Gordon on competing in the Dunk Contest again "It's a wrap..... it's over for that....my next goal is the three-point contest"爆
[花邊] Ja對LBJ做出Aaron Gordon灌籃大賽動作“Ja Morant looks like he was trying to do the Aaron Gordon dunk contest move on LeBron” “Ja Morant好像要對LBJ做出當年Aaron Gordon參加灌籃大賽的動作”爆
[花邊] Aaron Gordon在聖誕節被狗咬傷 縫了21針Nuggets forward Aaron Gordon suffered lacerations to his face and hand resulti ng from a dog bite on Christmas Day. Team says he is in good condition and wil l remain away from the team while he recovers. Aaron Gordon 聖誕節那天被狗咬傷,臉部和手部受傷。球隊表示他狀態良好,康復期間爆
[花邊] Aaron Gordon IG來源: 日前在比賽中使出360度灌籃的魔術前鋒Aaron Gordon表示:9? 心得:小酸 -----60
[花邊] Aaron Gordon賽後 直接上街頭開趴Aaron Gordan pulled up to the block party fresh out the locker room @Double0AG (via jhambrizco/TT)26
[分享] 洋基隊史66場比賽23轟的人Aaron JudgeAaron Judge 2024 Aaron Judge 2022 Aaron Judge 2017 Alex Rodriguez 2007 Roger Maris 1961- 炸 --
- 又炸了 如果當初沒受傷 MVP真的有得拚 昨天單場三轟 今天會幾發呢?
- 法官升堂 --