[情報] 古巴計畫賣球員給多明尼加棒球學校
The Cuban Baseball Federation plans to sell player contracts to Dominican Republic academies in hopes that they stop losing athletes for free.
This would be the first time that the FCB could sell player contracts to MLB orgs since professionalism was abolished in Cuba in 1962
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※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 09/12/2023 23:28:14
[情報] Yariel Rodriguez 叛逃 可能簽約5年5000萬Breaking: Cuban pitcher Yariel Rodriguez (26) left his contract with the Chunichi Dragons and the Cuban Baseball Federation and will seek to sign with an MLB team in the near future. Rodríguez arrived in the Dominican Republic a few hours ago, per sources.56
[情報] 古巴棒協:全面徵召旅外球員打WBC古巴棒協會長 Juan Reinaldo Perez Pardo 表示, 古巴決心徵召旅外球員參加國際比賽。 這項決定取決於戰力需求、賽事的重要性與球員性格。 他譴責試圖阻止、恐嚇真正感興趣的球員的假新聞、假消息, 棒協將持續與球員合作,並及時向媒體提供所有可能的消息。17
[分享] 古巴職業棒球員協會開除回歸古巴隊球員根據古巴國家體育報 JIT 報導,古巴職業棒球運動員協會 (ACPBP) 已開除 Yoan Lopez 和 Andy Ibanez 的會籍, 兩位球員都是應古巴棒協的要求,成為WBC古巴國家隊的候選名單, ACPBP 的會員 Raisel Iglesias 已證實這則消息。11
[情報] 古巴首度徵召MLB球員,但明星隊難以形成12/25,古巴棒協(FCB)從美國政府獲得批准古巴MLB球員 參加明年3月的世界棒球經典賽。 各大媒體也紛紛報導,一些球迷紛紛表示: "會立刻變成奪冠大熱門嗎?"11
Re: [新聞] 中日龍古巴強投叛逃!古巴求償3億元 外原文出處在這裡 The Cuban Baseball Federation made a statement about RHP Yariel Rodríguez where they demands the figure of $10 million in case the pitcher doesn't return to his contract with Chunichi Dragons. The Japanese posting system has8
[情報] Roenis Elias 確認代表古巴出戰WBCSources: Cuban LHP Roenis Elias (34) has agreed to be part of the Cuban National Team in the upcoming V World Baseball Classic, sources confirmed to me and @pelotacubanausa. Elias is in the Dominican Winter League right now and is a free agent.4
[分享] 第四屆加勒比海盃12月在巴哈馬開打第四屆加勒比海盃 (Caribbean Baseball Cup) 於 12/4-12/11 在巴哈馬 Andre Rodgers Baseball Stadium 開打 球場預計11月完工 今年參賽隊伍有:美屬維京群島、海地、波多黎各、庫拉索、 哥倫比亞、阿魯巴、秘魯、古巴4
[情報] 古巴聯賽有球員抵制大聯盟選手代表古巴隊根據消息因為古巴棒協開始徵召叛逃的MLB球員參加經典賽, 導致國內部分球員感到不滿,而抵制參加古巴聯賽。 不過目前古巴隊所找到的現役MLB球員其實只有 Luis Robert、Yoan Moncada、Roenis Elias、Andy Ibanez