[情報] 綠帽發聲明感謝內華達議會
The Oakland A's have released a statement regarding the passing of their ballpark bil (SB1) in Nevada.
"Tonight, we thank the members of the Nevada State Legislature and their staff for their hard work, due diligence, and attention to detail as we work to bring the Athletics to Las Vegas. We are especially grateful for the legislators’ time and dedication to shepherding this bill through the process, including the special session. We look forward to Governor Lombardo’s signature as our next step."
Governor Lombardo is expected to sign the pretty quickly, as he has been a big supporter of the project from the onset.
From there, the other 29 MLB owners would have to vote to approve relocation for the A's from Oakland to Las Vegas. That is also seen as highly likely, if not a done deal.
並期待內華達州共和黨籍州長Joe Lombardo正式簽署

是否願意赦免John Fisher不用繳數億鎂的搬家費XD

註: 綠帽和奧克蘭的租約是到2024年
明年搬過去 綠帽3A要去哪
無情城市 快逃
Re: [情報] 綠帽在Las Vegas買了一塊地先講一下 這其實跟聯盟態度去年大幅轉變有關 Rob去年明講,在運動家跟光芒搞定主場之前不會擴編 而擴編看起來又勢在必行 在聯盟正式同意運動家搬家之後 ,看起來搬家就只是早晚問題37
Re: [分享] 運動家主場抗議The Nevada state Senate has passed the $380 million bill to help fund the propos ed stadium for the Oakland A's move to Las Vegas. Later today, A's fans will stage a "reverse boycott" at Oakland Coliseum. The ho pe: Fans show up en masse to encourage owner John Fisher to sell. 內華達州參議院通過380M鎂補助運動家搬到拉斯維加斯新球場的法案34
Fw: [情報] 費城人國民條子綠帽罷賽作者: otaku32286 (宅人) 看板: Baseball 標題: [情報] 費城人國民條子綠帽罷賽 時間: Fri Aug 28 02:38:54 2020 The Phillies will not play tonight, three sources confirm @JSalisburyNBCS. The team will go to Nationals Park this afternoon for light work, then back home. They play Braves this weekend at Citizens Bank Park.30
[外電] Yan Gomes,Josh Harrison 去綠帽The Oakland A’s are in agreement on a deal to acquire infielder Josh Harrison and catcher Yan Gomes from the Washington Nationals. Deal is pending medicals. Josh Harrison跟Yan Gomes被交易去綠帽28
Re: [情報] 綠帽老闆本週拜訪Las Vegas綠帽2018就想搬家 因為RingCentral coilseum已經用超過50年了 在當地還是被叫Oakland Coliseum比較多 SL Bay右邊圓形就是奧克蘭競技場25
[外電] 內華達州通過綠帽主場預算大家可以回家啦 內華達州已經審過380M協助蓋綠帽新主場的預算 這將是綠帽搬家計畫巨大的第一步 無情的奧克蘭即將人去樓空22
[問題] 奧克蘭運動家最大的問題是什麼?如題 今年綠帽也是賣家 主場票房也是有點慘 目前美西墊底 這支球隊從所在城市到球隊內部都有些問題8
[外電] 綠帽付錢拉!!!!!Oakland Athletics will pay minor league players through end of scheduled season, reversing previous decision 作者:2
Re: [情報] 綠帽球迷的反抵制日,票價漲53%The Nevada state Senate has passed the $380 million bill to help fund the propos ed stadium for the Oakland A's move to Las Vegas. Later today, A's fans will stage a "reverse boycott" at Oakland Coliseum. The ho pe: Fans show up en masse to encourage owner John Fisher to sell.