[情報] 道奇、教士會延後宣布今年的海外新秀簽約
The Dodgers are pushing back their international amateur signees to January 25th, as they are waiting for Sasaki’s decision, a source says.
道奇延到1/25公布 要等朗希決定
I can confirm that the San Diego Padres are pushing back their international signees' announcement to January 23rd as they are waiting for Roki Sasaki's decision. A source told me that they will sign their 2025 class next year if they land Sasaki.
應該是要把今年的額度All in給朗希
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[情報] 水手將請鈴木一朗幫忙招募朗希The Mariners are planning a full-fledged recruiting pitch for Roki Sasaki that is expected to include Ichiro, the Japanese icon and future Hall of Famer. (via @A_Jude )42
[花邊] 球迷在快艇籃網比賽中慶祝教士贏球Source : San Diego fans at the Clippers-Nets game celebrate after the Padres take a 2-1 s eries lead over the Dodgers (via @TomerAzarly)43
[情報] 佐佐木朗希入札即將開始News: Japanese right-hander Roki Sasaki is expected to be officially posted at Major League Baseball’s winter meetings, opening a 45-day window Tuesday that will allow him to sign after Jan. 15, 2025, sources told ESPN. Story, free and unlocked, at ESPN:43
[討論] 教士網羅朗希有機會嗎?達爾去年就說如果大谷、山本甚至是朗希都去道奇的話他會哭 而且之前好像看過達爾教球的影片 也聽說私下交情都很好 感覺達爾一直以來的表現也是一個很nice不藏私的前輩39
[情報] 佐佐木朗希預計用25年的簽約額度Rob Manfred said he expects Roki Sasaki to sign with a major-league club as pa rt of the 2025 international signing class. That would mean he doesn't sign be fore January 15. MLB主席Rob Manfred說他預計佐佐木朗希將會在2025年的國際簽約名單中與一支大聯盟球 隊簽約。這意味著他不會在1月15日之前簽約。31
[閒聊] 希望佐佐木朗希去哪隊?洋基:柯爾狀態下滑,朗希有望成為下一任洋基ace 紅襪:叛逆的朗希很適合紅襪狂野球風 教士:跟達比修有組成聖地牙哥亞洲雙星王牌 道奇:我覺得朗希不會去道奇,因為明年大谷要二刀流,道奇可能會組6人輪值,朗希上場? 巨人:去舊金山跟道奇打對台18
[討論] 朗希去道奇/教士等西區球隊3A出發不會被如題啦 現在一直在傳道奇/教士對朗希很有興趣 然後很可能會先從3A出發 但攤開3A西部的Pacific Coast League 10支球隊有6支主場在山上/沙漠的打者天堂6
[問卦] 達比修有現在在想什麼?大谷和山本都加入道奇 達比修說如果朗希也去的話他會想哭 現在羅德提前放人了 道奇是最有可能網羅朗希的球隊6
[閒聊] 產經:朗希的未來朗希拜會前輩 就被傳道奇、教士對他有興趣 其實希望他能去一支 讓我們驚訝的球隊5
[情報] 道奇、教士在新的國際球員額度只剩1.5MWhile money won’t be everything in Sasaki’s decision, I’ll soon unveil a brea kdown of each team’s remaining budget after January 15. The Padres and Dodgers are among the teams that will have around $1.5M remaining after the official signings on January 15.