[分享] 李灝宇包裹排名第九 農場第六
9. Hao-Yu Lee, 2B, Tigers (No. 6)
Acquired from the Phillies in the Michael Lorenzen trade:
原文:If it’s hit tools you’re into, Lee brings a pretty impressive one to t
he Detroit system. The 20-year-old Taiwan native is a career .285 hitter in the Minors, and he doesn’t strike out a ton by modern standards with an 18.6 percent K rate this season in High-A. Those bat-to-ball skills have translated smoothly to each level he’s played, and there’s a chance for something close
to average power by the time he matures. He offers Detroit another promising infield talent alongside Colt Keith, Jace Jung and Justyn-Henry Malloy.
不專業翻譯:如果是想要尋找好的打擊能力,那李灝宇在打擊這方面是優秀的。這名來自台灣的20歲打者,小聯盟生涯打擊率 .286。在高階1A,他的被三振率為18.6 percent,用現代標準來看,他不是一個容易被三振的打者。無論在哪個階段,他總是能很好的把擊球技巧帶到下個層級。力量方面,若他繼續茁壯,有機會在未來達到聯盟平均。老虎農場目前有Colt Keith, Jace Jung and Justyn-Henry Malloy等內野潛力股,他的加入讓老虎農場又多了一名可以期待的選手。
某人:a+ ops 沒有0.8就是天分有限 2a會被修理
老虎的陣容 真的有機會上去
但我看原文是bat to ball
年輕的農場好手本來就不能只看打擊三圍 潛力夠遲早爆發
窮人版Nick Madrigal
[情報] Fangraphs公布李灝宇排名及球探報告在今天公布的費城人農場排名中,Fangraphs球探兼寫手Eric Longenhagen與Tess Taruskin 將台灣內野手李灝宇排在第12名。 [評分] 打擊:25/5557
[情報] 李灝宇去老虎Tigers are close to trading Michael Lorenzen to the Phillies. Infield prospect Hao-Yu Lee is part of the proposed return heading to Detroit. @MLBNetwork @MLB 作為包裹的一部分被賣去老虎換Lorenzen46
[分享] 頑強執著又激情的費城人新秀李灝宇這是一篇NBC Sports的新聞,本季李灝宇表現十分亮眼,所以我特地翻譯這篇文章跟各位 分享。 原文出處 clearwater-threshers-milb26
[情報] MLB官網 費城人新秀 no.6 李灝宇Philles #6 Hao Yu Lee 2B Level:A ETA:2025 Age:19 5'10" / 190 lbs R/R Scouting grades: Hit: 50 | Power: 50 | Run: 45 | Arm: 50 | Field: 50 | Overall: 458
[分享] MLB官網球探報告:李灝宇(PHI農場第20名)李灝宇 Hao Yu Lee 費城人農場排名第20名 Scouting grades: Hit:50 Power:50 Run:455
[情報] Joe Jimenez traded to BravesThe Tigers have announced they’ve traded reliever Joe Jimenez to the Braves f or prospects Justyn-Henry Malloy and Jake Higginbotham. The Tigers will also s end cash to the Braves. 老虎將後援投手Joe Jimenez 及部分現金交易至勇士隊,換來新秀外野/三壘手Justyn-He n2
[情報] Michael Lorenzen to Phillies@JeffPassan The Philadelphia Phillies are in agreement on a trade to acquire right-handed starter Michael Lorenzen from the Detroit Tigers, sources tell ESPN. 老虎隊的 Michael Lorenzen確定被交易到費城人
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