Fw: [閒聊] 紅襪調查結果出爐

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※ [本文轉錄自 MLB 看板 #1Ue9dJkq ]

作者: blackpanther ( ) 看板: MLB
標題: [閒聊] 紅襪調查結果出爐
時間: Thu Apr 23 03:24:00 2020




1) J.T. Watkins shall be suspended for the 2020 season and 2020 Postseason.
When Watkins returns from his suspension, he will be prohibited from serving
as the replay room operator during any game for the 2021 season and 2021

負責重播畫面的J.T. Watkins本季含季後賽坐球監;球監服滿後2021年賽季含季後賽不得擔任重播室負責人的職務。

2) The Boston Red Sox will forfeit their second round selection in the 2020
First-Year Player Draft.


3) Alex Cora will be suspended through the conclusion of the 2020 Postseason
for his conduct as the bench coach of the Houston Astros in 2017. While I
will not impose additional discipline on Cora as a result of the conduct
engaged in by Watkins (because I do not find that he was aware of it), I do
note that Cora did not effectively communicate to Red Sox players the
sign-stealing rules that were in place for the 2018 season.

No other member of the 2018 Red Sox staff will be disciplined because I do
not find that anyone was aware of or should have been aware of Watkins’s
conduct. The Club’s front office took more than reasonable steps to ensure
that its employees, including Watkins, adhered to the rules. Notwithstanding
these good faith efforts to comply with the rules, however, the Red Sox
organization ultimately is responsible for the conduct of a member of its
advance scouting staff.



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (美國)
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c871111116: 這處罰真重 嘻嘻 04/23 03:25
rex830521: 英文不太好,看文章內容是說我襪只有在2壘有人的時候破 04/23 03:30
rex830521: 解(偷?)暗號? 04/23 03:30


sam9595: 好~重~的~處~罰~ 04/23 03:50
passbyks: 都被疫情搞到停賽了 有罰跟沒罰沒兩樣 04/23 04:03
michael0319: X新聞稿內容是說Watkins在2018年季賽時有時在比賽中 04/23 04:15

※ PTT留言評論
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ※ 轉錄者: blackpanther ( 美國), 04/23/2020 04:15:54

RieX04/23 04:34已經罰過太空人了,事情也算到此為止,再去罰其它隊其實沒什

RieX04/23 04:34麼意思

RieX04/23 04:37聯盟首要之務應該是盡快終止這個議題,別再讓太空人遭受到輿

RieX04/23 04:37論的二次傷害

cyc258004/23 04:40做錯事就做錯事 還要保護你讓你不被輿論批評喔 作弊作的

cyc258004/23 04:40還真理直氣壯呢

witness93304/23 04:50兩隊都一樣爛...看來這兩隊冠軍都該打*

ji394up04/23 05:15科科,兩隊一個樣

vencil04/23 05:52真是笑話

KKKKKvs33304/23 06:04坐等襪迷護航

Jerrylin121204/23 06:12洋基哭暈了


※ 編輯: blackpanther ( 美國), 04/23/2020 06:33:55

WSnipes04/23 06:40躲人連兩年被搞...看

WSnipes04/23 06:40起來這種懲處根本不痛不癢,以後都作弊算了

alcard2204/23 07:13我基17.18年季後賽剛好都被這兩隊淘汰,慘

alcard2204/23 07:15二次傷害三小XDD被害者被多次傷害也沒看你哭什麼,反而

alcard2204/23 07:15要保護加害者不要被傷害?你是台灣記者嗎?

es9114ian04/23 07:29死忠襪迷還想怎麼護航啊?

seed80050604/23 07:43洋基 道奇...

gn002852604/23 08:26廢到笑 鼓勵作弊

BorisGhost04/23 08:40沒有沒收世界冠軍的話,就是想讓時間淡化一切細節

GAIEGAIE04/23 08:47呵呵 作弊拿到世界大賽的代價真低

hjs0604/23 08:51反正球員一定都沒事,主席好棒棒,以後大家作弊做起來

edhuang04/23 09:07某樓真是笑死

chargebro04/23 09:24今年可能打不了,禁賽有跟沒有一樣

hjs0604/23 10:11球員還不是錢照領爽爽過,還二次傷害勒,阿不就好委屈好可

hjs0604/23 10:11

justinhanahs04/23 10:20洋基道奇表示...