[分享] Trevor Bauer 戰 Aubrey Huff, Curt Schilling

看板Baseball標題[分享] Trevor Bauer 戰 Aubrey Huff, Curt Schilling作者
時間推噓33 推:33 噓:0 →:25

他在 Twitter 上先說了一票對兩邊都卡住的不滿:

Fans want baseball. The vast majority of players want baseball. Most owners
want baseball. Seems like everyone is in agreement yet we have no agreement
and no baseball. How?!


I have so much more I want to say about this whole thing but out of respect
to my fellow players I’m going to continue holding my tongue. If any of you
would like to talk about it please hit me up privately.

之後 Aubrey Huff 就直接和他戰了:

Can we remind @BauerOutage
of his career 4+ ERA, 3.5 BB per 9 innings, & 10 games over .500 winning %
is a 4/5th starter salary in @mlb
& maybe keep quiet before he’s exposed, please & thank you. He’s a great
tweeter. #MLB pitcher? That’s debatable.

Trevor Bauer 生涯只有 4.x ERA, 每九局 3.5 保送。
雖然他在 twitter 上的嘴砲很有趣,但真的是 MLB 投手嗎?


Trying to tell someone not to tweet is...shall we call it, odd...coming from
you Aubs. Here, have some more attention. I’ll forward some followers your

有個 nobody 叫我不要在 twitter 和球迷互動? 你想出名? 那我轉推幫你宣傳吧

The fact you said in your 1st tweet, “I’ll forward some followers your way,
” tells me everything I need to know about you @BauerOutage
. You’d rather build a brand than win. That’s why I have 2 World Series
rings & you jerk off to analytic spin rate geek fans like @keithlaw
. @MLB

Huff 回應:我都有兩個冠軍戒指了,你卻只注意自己的轉速和在 twitter 多熱門?

Those are cute participation trophies you have there Aubs! Thanks for
sharing! Proud of you little guy!

I come with receipts. Fun fact, seems I was a better amateur than you were

Huff through age 28 season 11.1 WAR
Bauer through age 28 season 14.9 WAR

Bauer 翻出 WAR 說他比 Huff 還厲害。Huff 的冠軍戒指是靠隊友而已


That drone injury to your hand in the 2016 World Series must have played a
big part in that 0-2 record & 5.40 ERA. I’m sure your @Indians
teammates were thrilled with that cool hobby of yours @BauerOutage
. The @Cubs
players & fans thank you! #participationtrophy

Huff 用 2016 Bauer 被無人機弄傷手酸他,小熊隊球迷很"感謝"他有這個喜好

之後連 Curt Schilling 都參戰(不過他都刪了):

生涯 17.4 WAR 很好? 我兩個球季就做到了。先拿冠軍再炫耀吧:

Trevor, what are you doing man? Walk away. 17.4 WAR for a pitcher, a goodpitcher, is like 2 seasons right? Just focus on getting guys out, winning a
world series.
— Curt Schilling (@gehrig38) June 23, 2020

就算他有不錯的 WAR,但是他被無人機弄傷手指害球隊輸球

之後吵到數據, Schilling 說他在場上表現很好,被 Bauer 抓到把柄
Schilling 生涯到28歲的累積數據還比不上 Bauer

最後 Schilling 就投降關閉 twitter 帳號了(可能是戰不下去,也可能是
說 Bubba Wallace 停車位被放絞索事件,和 Jussie Smollet 一樣想自導自演炒新聞):

Bubba Wallace:
Jussie Smollet:

@gehrig38 此帳戶不存在


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sustainer12306/25 09:40科科錫wwwwww

※ 編輯: ccpz ( 臺灣), 06/25/2020 09:41:10 ccpz:轉錄至看板 MLB

06/25 09:43

hayato0106/25 09:44前兩天看他們在推特戰,還蠻有趣的XD

saidon06/25 09:45為何要這樣就關帳號

john060106/25 09:46戰不下去認輸惹

polanco06/25 09:46XDDDD

hayato0106/25 09:47想跟Bauer戰數據真的是傻了

Tr3vyy06/25 09:49跟偏執狂戰真的是想不開 更何況他還是個youtuber xD

saidon06/25 09:49是說r啥j的大叔28歲時的總war不到10 但大概沒人敢拿這嘴他

charlie0106/25 09:50Huff就是典型倚老賣老的老害Zz

MindWork06/25 09:52怎麼可能投降啦 那是Schilling本人嗎?

ccpz06/25 09:54是阿, b-r 也說那就是他的 twitter 帳號

ccpz06/25 09:54

abc1281206/25 09:55說真的Bauer跟Schilling差多了 一個無人機弄傷手就退場

abc1281206/25 09:56另一個血襪封鎖洋基

ccpz06/25 09:58好像沒看到 Bauer 怎樣反擊無人機,不過戰數據就戰不贏了

Tr3vyy06/25 10:01網路世代vs老人 戰場是推特 都幾www

MindWork06/25 10:02 應該是因為這個被封鎖?

ccpz06/25 10:04好像有看到這個,我補一下

rich83050206/25 10:05MLB館長

※ 編輯: ccpz ( 臺灣), 06/25/2020 10:09:45

mic7352806/25 10:11血襪為啥要投降?Bauer不就年輕投得好一點,現在回不去了

hayato0106/25 10:12無人機那個Bauer自己也知道錯,也跟球迷道過歉,所以他

hayato0106/25 10:12自己也沒什麼好反駁的吧!畢竟當時真的很不應該

mic7352806/25 10:14比冠軍,季後賽事蹟跟累積數據Bauer搞不好一個都達不成

sikerkuaitai06/25 10:30跟Bauer戰數據是傻了嗎 連作家都不一定能贏耶

sikerkuaitai06/25 10:30Huff那種代打等級就別來亂了 血襪比較有資格講話

cji428450306/25 10:32怎麼這些老人最後都變成在戰生涯數據阿XD

cji428450306/25 10:32好像就事論事很難一樣

terminator306/25 10:35Huff這種咖也出來戰包爾 笑死

terminator306/25 10:35MLB的Mecgee

max260406/25 10:44補充,血襪嗆包爾白癡,結果自己英文文法用錯(your idi

max260406/25 10:44ot) (you're idiot)O

sdiaa06/25 10:46MLB戰戒指XD 那HUFF你自以為比TED WILLIAMS還屌嗎??

rr8806/25 10:4813年生涯242轟拿過銀棒獎被說成和雜魚一樣我笑了

max260406/25 10:49

圖 Trevor Bauer 戰 Aubrey Huff, Curt Schilling

rr8806/25 10:57好歹Huff在2010冠軍年全隊WAR最高,代打等級?

mic7352806/25 10:57錯文法是老白人專利(望向川普,其實還可以凹說r = are

mic7352806/25 10:58這在歐美網路語言很常出現

saidon06/25 10:59your you're 有時候就自動校正沒改過來八

hjhhj123406/25 11:05twitter戰神

ChrisDavis06/25 11:08科科錫認輸!?

dusted06/25 11:09可憐老頭舉世皆然

mikazeray06/25 11:11有趣 難得沒球打大家戰起來XD

hcwang112606/25 11:15鮑爾血流如注 血襪席林:愚蠢!不能相提並論

edhuang06/25 11:20跟Bauer戰數據 嗯 一般迷都比你了解這樣的後果XD

amen12306/25 11:31HUFF又不差

jeter869506/25 11:45笑死

willywasd06/25 11:57Schilling 你看看你

kji59092906/25 12:02Schilling到底能不能進名人堂

n6120806/25 12:13Cole被拉出來戰前隊友哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈

n6120806/25 12:13包爾先想想未來十年怎麼提升他的war吧

khjhs6036906/25 12:19Bauer蠻屁的但這兩個老人也是很無聊

mrlucas889106/25 12:41MLB自走砲笑死

jason711199406/25 14:53跟Bauer戰數據 人生活膩了

saidon06/26 00:49可是bauer即使很懂這些數據 他自己的數字和schilling比就

saidon06/26 00:50是差一大截阿 不管怎摸會解釋 數字就擺那

saidon06/26 00:52包耳說他28歲時的累計數據比席鄰好 看起來也只是硬凹

saidon06/26 00:53畢竟你生涯有沒辦法投的和席臨一樣長久還不知道哩

kenny78155808/04 22:13Bauer先拿一座CYA再來戰錫麟吧