[分享] Zack Greinke曾建議釀酒人選Corey Seage

看板Baseball標題[分享] Zack Greinke曾建議釀酒人選Corey Seage作者
時間推噓14 推:14 噓:0 →:1

The Athletic作家Andy McCullough在推特上分享了一個小故事

In 2012, Zack Greinke sat in the Brewers draft room for the first round. GM Doug Melvin asked him who the team should choose. Greinke suggested Corey Seager, who would go nine picks before Milwaukee got on the clock. I have no further updates on the MLB lockout.


Zack Greinke人就坐在釀酒人的選秀室內

然後時任釀酒人GM Doug Melvin 就問Greinke說它們應該選誰

Greinke就回答說Corey Seager



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kenkenken3101/06 15:30這麼頂尖的新秀也不太需要什麼慧眼識英雄吧...

e9026901/06 15:31然後Z魔就加入我躲了,那又是另外一個故事了

kenkenken3101/06 15:31又不是Mike Piazza那種,才有"當初只有我知道"的感慨

eee6010901/06 15:33後來就在道奇當隊友了

polanco01/06 15:34就算是高中大物也沒這麼容易養起來好嗎

adad4836201/06 15:37他在道奇也做過類似的事 好像是buehler還是bellinger

Roshiel01/06 15:37感覺就是嘴砲啊,不過印象中很少看到Z魔神嘴

CoreySeager01/06 15:51看了一下 釀酒人順位跟道奇差蠻多的耶

Keane8601/06 15:59Melvin: 乾 我也知道要選他啊

lovepove01/06 15:59其實他看人眼光聽說超強 很早就是數據魔人

YummyBosh01/06 16:21他在皇家就會幫忙選秀的樣子

saiulbb01/06 18:03ZG到底多有遠見

GAIEGAIE01/06 18:54一樓可以找找當初選秀時 隊版說了什麼 呵呵

granturismo01/06 20:30ZG是真的有料 不是嘴砲而已

sean1234567801/07 09:30Z魔神真的萬能!