[炸裂] Will Smith

看板Baseball標題[炸裂] Will Smith作者
時間推噓43 推:44 噓:1 →:6




本季第一轟 是發三分砲


八下 7:3

※ PTT留言評論
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣)
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roywow04/15 12:59拆點被接到XD

goodandy04/15 12:59Chris Rock

Pkinase04/15 12:59讚啦

a1c2x304/15 12:59水啦

dendenomg04/15 13:00本來不會出去的XD

jerry0011604/15 13:00前一個界外炸被躲過,後面還是被炸

ivery226604/15 13:00又打人了!

AnnHeeYung7704/15 13:00中外野手助攻+1

DAVIDWAY04/15 13:003分球啦

davidex04/15 13:00還好MLB沒有人叫Chris Rock

robert122804/15 13:00助攻阿

※ 編輯: andyll2 ( 臺灣), 04/15/2022 13:02:34

Derp04/15 13:01SLAP

m122e04/15 13:01投手是CR嗎?

glenliu04/15 13:02Sam嘴ㄆㄨㄟ

MrBigTree04/15 13:02Get the ball out of fxxking wall

圖, Will Smith

if204/15 13:02影帝炸裂

pl72604/15 13:02巴蕊~~

super5566go04/15 13:03用臉頰擊掌

dante11005904/15 13:04樓下Chris Rock

dk97135504/15 13:04一巴掌拍爛

y12382434304/15 13:05

wryyyyyyyy04/15 13:06巴掌

bsp091904/15 13:07Keep my wife’s name out of your mouth!

lyt556604/15 13:07巴掌巴起來

futeni5904/15 13:09Oh wow

gh2990326004/15 13:09

圖, Will Smith

fg008kimo04/15 13:09巴掌八蕊

wayne599204/15 13:09王者理查

YummyCurry04/15 13:11巴下去啊啊啊

LSLLtu04/15 13:11巴下去爽啦

RG567804/15 13:13哇,瞬間打通了

tackcalb04/15 13:15

anderson197904/15 13:18一巴掌打到全壘打牆外

yehbebe011204/15 13:18Keep the ball out of my wife’s fxxxing mouth

hu611104/15 13:19又是一巴掌下去

LinBaoYan04/15 13:21啪啪啪

shinichi04/15 13:21巴下去!!!

kobebrian04/15 13:2135樓那個畫面怪怪的

ShaEric63ck04/15 13:27笑死

justdoit04/15 13:29Send tree pay

ji394tb04/15 13:29巴掌砲

ntusimmon04/15 13:29要打巴掌了嗎?

h88851204/15 13:52吳克群那張XDDD

qoo2002s04/15 14:43吳克群是反重力大師啊

roy110904/15 14:45請問吳克群是什麼梗

JIYUI04/15 15:06

MarcoChieh04/15 15:07打巴掌( wow~

AllenHuang04/15 15:22Chris Rock

roy110904/15 15:47原來如此哈哈

lmf77041004/15 15:50投手:是不是叫洛克