[情報] 法官持續大幅帶動洋基、甚至是客場票房

看板Baseball標題[情報] 法官持續大幅帶動洋基、甚至是客場票房作者
時間推噓27 推:27 噓:0 →:23

Ticket Sales Continue To Rise As Aaron Judge Pursues HR Record

When Yankees slugger Aaron Judge launched his 60th home run last week, he set off a massive ticket sales increase for Yankee games both home and away. That trend continued after Judge tied Roger Maris’ American League single-season home run record on Wednesday night.


Judge is now going for sole possession of the record — and with just seven games left to hit one more dinger, fans don’t want to miss it.


Ticket sales on StubHub skyrocketed 60% for the Yankees’ final home stand of the season against the Orioles this weekend, according to company data.



Demand for bleacher seats has gone up notably as fans take a shot at catching home run No. 62 — and potentially earning at least half a million dollars for their troubles. The average sale on bleacher seats has gone up more than twofold compared with the average between April and August.


The Yankees aren’t the only team benefiting from massive ticket sales, and their fans aren’t the only ones interested in catching this bit of MLB history.

For the Bronx Bombers’ road series against the Texas Rangers beginning on Monday, sales went up 11%. Monday night’s game has already sold more tickets than any other weekday Ranger game this season.



Experts are estimating that @TheJudge44's 62nd home run ball could go for anywhere between $500K to $10M

But what were some previous home run balls going for





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ccl00710/01 09:37問就是只給CP約 再多就是貪官

eeeee11810/01 09:411顆球3億 都能買帝寶了

abc1281210/01 09:42反觀大谷 天使票房一樣慘淡

charlie0110/01 09:43發大財

Ronniecf10/01 09:4750-1000價差也太大

diabolica10/01 09:49要運鈔船了

best30602210/01 09:491000萬鎂是認真...?

RodrigueZ81010/01 09:50運鈔車車門沒關好 一路掉錢大家搶著撿

HSyiee10/01 09:52這專家是說認真的嗎

kjes92430810/01 09:54這個預估有沒有在唬爛

sixsix66610/01 09:57關大谷屁事

Notif52010/01 09:57球轟出去 錢進得來 洋基發大財

maimai206310/01 09:57去年的大谷也可以帶動客場票房阿

ru070110/01 09:57真 運鈔車 載鈔跟發鈔都是

mavescott10/01 09:59貪官貪官

lions40210/01 09:59大家一起發大財

IRPT00110/01 10:00拉票?

kauw10/01 10:03一堆酸葡萄,到時候大谷如果開價太高也是貪心,難怪鬼島慣

kauw10/01 10:03老闆真多,想要多一點錢妳就是貪,不過我麻覺得還在講貪官

kauw10/01 10:03的都是大谷迷吧,得罪了方丈還想走?

kauw10/01 10:04期待明年鱒魚大爆發搶mvp看看谷粉的反應

Derp10/01 10:04雖然我是谷酸 但感覺天使現在還會入場的球迷超過一半是看鱒

Derp10/01 10:04魚+大谷XDDD

BlackTea102310/01 10:05貪官多半玩梗吧 關谷迷啥事

BlackTea102310/01 10:05阿沒注意到ID 當我沒說

idiotay10/01 10:06看好法官簽大約後大退化養老過幾年釋出...

sixsix66610/01 10:06現在講貪官的都先說是谷迷是吧?這帽子扣真大耶

Rayshief10/01 10:07要是沒有鱒谷雙刷 天使恐怕觀眾只有探底的份

sixsix66610/01 10:07開價太高就是貪心我也是笑死啦

kw025810/01 10:09那顆球能買房子絕對不是問題….只差在豪不豪華而已了…

james8035110/01 10:10坐外野買樂透的概念XD

henry191510/01 10:14聽起來很有價值

Riseagainst10/01 10:17怎麼又有谷粉的鍋:(

ccl00710/01 10:24貪官的迷因梗最早明明就洋基迷開始的 整天酸洋基跟噴洋基

ccl00710/01 10:24就基迷好不好 人家看球文化就這樣

ChrisArcher10/01 10:2650-1000就是看後面還有沒有啦,如果就62那當然就超高

ChrisArcher10/01 10:26價,如果還有63/64或更多那就不會那麼高

mightymouse10/01 10:27運鈔車

charlie0110/01 10:29其他我不知道 PTT第一次發明貪官這詞是MLB板一個優質

charlie0110/01 10:29梅子迷大大講的

polanco10/01 10:31比較好奇大谷進市場的時候kauw會怎麼講 希望到時候還能

polanco10/01 10:31這麼中壢李姓

polanco10/01 10:32 明明自己就愛酸大谷

圖, 法官持續大幅帶動洋基、甚至是客場票房

polanco10/01 10:32然後整天講谷迷怎樣怎樣的

kidney061610/01 10:34反正看不順眼先扣上谷迷的帽子再反串抹黑阿 某些人就

kidney061610/01 10:34喜歡把網軍那套玩到這版

charlie0110/01 10:37扣基迷的不論人數還是格調也不遑多讓啦

y80012215510/01 10:42100萬以上應該沒問題 畢竟是乾淨HR歷史紀錄了

TopGun210/01 10:58迷迷相輕 XDDDDDD

TopGun210/01 10:59笑死