[情報] 條子老闆:下季將繼續提高團隊薪資

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時間推噓23 推:24 噓:1 →:12

Young: Rangers To Increase Payroll This Offseason

During his year-end press conference, Rangers GM Chris Young told Evan Grant ofthe Dallas Morning News that team owner Ray Davis, who Young described as “frustrated,” had committed to increasing the team’s payroll this offseason, with the goal of improving the team’s pitching staff. Grant also notes that Davis may want to see another bat added to the lineup as well.

在季末總結記者會上,條子總管Chris Young告訴達拉斯晨報說

老闆Ray Davis承諾下季將繼續提高團隊薪資


The Rangers 2022 payroll clocked in at over $142MM, an increase over 2021 of roughly $48MM. For 2023, Texas has about $85MM committed in payroll, though this does not include arbitration-eligible players such as Mitch Garver. Still, this should leave the Rangers with over $50MM available even before factoring in any increases in payroll, allowing the team plenty of flexibility when searching for additions this offseason.






Corey Seager 32.5M
Marcus Semien 25.0M
Jon Gray 14.0M
Brad Miller 5.0M



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Bilison10/10 11:59季中補強:哈囉?

charlie0110/10 12:02幹大事again

johngakki10/10 12:02可以歡迎Kershaw回家了

huangjyuan10/10 12:03光芒:跟我結局一樣啊

Movice10/10 12:08地瓜 法官都要惹

louis1310/10 12:09梅子提早放寒假了 季後賽打擊根本爛到跟光芒有得比 我覺

louis1310/10 12:09得明年梅子搶法官的機率大增 反正有錢就是任性

atmmaxing10/10 12:09你好 我要買地瓜 法官 暴力鴨 謝謝

kenro10/10 12:11還是沒救吧

coldeden10/10 12:11還補棒子... 先把那個破牛棚貼一貼

Giovinazzi9910/10 12:12有leclerc怕什麼

wwewcwwwf10/10 12:16啥!? chris young 變總管了唷

LaserLi10/10 12:16看成梅子

TimmyJiang10/10 12:18這篇是條子,不是梅子

bj45112310/10 12:19補大谷翔平!薛蛇 地瓜 大谷。三大巨投

johngakki10/10 12:21條子先發問題應該大於牛棚 吃局數太差 才會累死牛棚

erimow10/10 12:24先發洞滿大的 棒子倒是還可以

erimow10/10 12:25真的補到 農場也有拚的本錢

huangjyuan10/10 12:25哈哈 真的看成梅子

zzs12334410/10 12:26買地瓜+法官

chiki42810/10 12:26許願地瓜+法官

fxm2033410/10 12:27條子很難再出法官要的10年約吧

ccf042310/10 12:30不如今年季末也省一點,明年季末拚大谷一次補強投打兩邊

takamiku10/10 12:38幹嘛不省錢等一年大谷FA 投打都補到

pottr5091110/10 12:42補大谷吧 投打一次到位

bestbaseball10/10 12:46贏不了 就再更多的$

mingjo8321510/10 12:55我也看成梅子哈哈

bingreen10/10 12:56直接簽阿吉吧

moonpaper10/10 12:57等待一個人

kiasao10/10 12:59明年簽法官 後年簽大鼓+祥平 宇宙梅怎麼輸

kiasao10/10 13:00

OneSong10/10 13:00等梅子的新聞吧,哈

Jerry052410/10 13:13問就是直上法官

ct1357910/10 13:15遊騎兵戰積一直不上不下很久了,每季補強好像都補沒重點

kao1410/10 13:25遊騎兵發大財

asdfzx10/10 14:08大谷+法官

teasy10/10 16:36補大谷,兩個願望一次完成